Started today, relapsed today

Today is the great day and the bad day all together. Good day I already committed to do my best to hold my urge, but I can’t hold it

Probably only half day I lasted before relapsed

What lead to the relapse:
Found cutie pie and start chatting, exchanging pics, and I can’t hold myself.
I’m sorry, I promise will be beter next time.

It’s alright sis, i think you should create a diary, there you can journal your day , and learn from your mistakes too.

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Yeah, thanks for the advice.
I have been thinking creating diary too

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Try to do small steps in the beginning. For example if you could do it every second day will be ok. Try this for couple of weeks then do next small step. I read that only 2 percent from humans can quit adicction like: ok i will not do it never again. But for other 98 percent small step plan is working better. You will quit this addiction for sure, You have to find proper way for You.

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