Special Advices from Chinese Nofap Forum

Hey bro @ToThy… Your posts are very informative… Your references to chinese methods and Indian methods and your uniqueness to mix them and succinctly gave us in a single paragraph are :ok_hand:

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Thanks bros @anon65589122 and @SincereDev, glad that you enjoy the posts. We need to give thanks to ancient wisdom and senior nofappers who have shared valuable experience and advice for us. And yeah I believe ancient wisdoms are connected, we can find many similarities between Chinese and Indian wisdoms. When we adopt to Western values, we should also embrace the legacy our ancestors gave us.

Hopefully I’ll update the last two posts next weekend, wish you’ll find them helpful too:)


Thank you for these posts! It’s very interesting :heart_eyes:

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So grateful for your appreciation bro @FlowForCourage, hope these advices can help you in your journey! :smile:


#9 Karma of Sexual Misconduct - Hell Afterlife

Karma (業/业) is a central principle in Buddhism, our deeds in this life will determine the kind of realm we rebirth into. The following discussions may be discomforting, but if you believe in Buddhist teachings and karma, you would find them alerting.

Karma is essentially the principle of causality, the deeds of our previous life lead to our present conditions, and our deeds at present life will in turn determine our form of reincarnation. ‘Deeds’ not only mean action, in Buddhism there are 3 types of deeds - actions (身), speeches (語/语) and thoughts (意). Jesus’s teaching also echoes such principle: ‘But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.’ (Matthew 5:29).

There are a total of six realms of rebirth, 3 of them are good realms while the other 3 are evil realms: God, Demi-god (Asura) and Human realms are good realms, one did good deeds in past life (lives) will reincarnate into these realms and can enjoy more fortunate life; Animal, Hungry Ghost and Hell realms are evil realms, one who was evil in past life will rebirth in these realms and suffer.

Sexual misconduct and adultery are great sin in Buddhism, people will suffer greatly due to their lust. Master Yin Guang explained that sexual misconduct is acting like animals with human body. They will first fall into hell and hungry ghost realms, then into animal realm and experience thousands and thousands of sufferings.

There are specific hells for those misconducted sexually in past life. One of them is the Hell of Pillars, sufferers illusively see the pillars as beautiful ladies (or handsome men) and hug the fiery copper pillars, and are burned into ashes, after that they will reborn and hug the pillars again, suffering over and over.

Another hell is the Hell of Iron Bed. Sufferers have to lie onto a burning iron bed, then are cooked into death. The time of suffer is incredibly long and cannot be imagined.

So we really need to reform ourselves at present life, it will be too late after we die and reborn into the hell realm. We are now in the human realm and have the opportunity to attain nirvana despite being ignorant and fooled by desire and ego.

You may learn more about various types of hell and their causes in the following website (warning: be prepared that the images could be discomforting):


#10 Regimen for Nofappers - Rebalancing Yin-Yang Energy

In addition to abstinence from PMO, regimen is also important for us nofappers as our Jing has been seriously depleted, resulting in various health problems. The most common symptom is the imbalance of Yin-Yang (陰陽/阴阳) energy - the upper body feels hot while the lower body feels cold (上熱/热下寒).

Cause of Yin-Yang imbalance
This sounds strange, but if you recall the moment of orgasm, you may remember there was a flow of heat onto the head, and your head got very hot, while your legs became weak and your feet became cold. In more technical term of Chinese medicine, this is called heart-kidney disharmony (心腎/肾不交). You may have heard of Wuxing (五行), a central concept in Chinese philosophy, which is composed of metal (金), wood (木), water (水), fire (火) and earth (土). The heart belongs to fire, and the kidney belongs to water. You may already figure out that fire is the most Yang and water is the most Yin in Wuxing. When functioning properly, Qi circulates well in the body so water in kidney can moisturise the upper body and fire in heart can warm the lower body; if not, due to their own nature, the fire moves upward and water moves downward, Yin-Yang is no longer balanced.

So what force drives the circulation of Qi? That’s actually the Yang energy in kidney (腎陽/阳). This may seem controversial but actually every organ has both Yin and Yang energies. When Jing stored in kidney is depleted, the Yang energy of kidney is weakened and can no longer warm up the water in kidney effectively to upper body (the flow of heat during orgasm can be identified as the Yang energy of kidney; during PMO it is lost). Without moisture, the head and throat become hot and dry, and the limbs and abdomen become cold and wet.

Symptoms of heart-kidney disharmony
Upper Body Hot: oily face, pimples and acnes, headache/head feeling hot, mouth ulcers, chapped lips, sore throat, hair loss, dry eyes, insomnia, etc.

Lower Body Cold: hands and feet feeling cold, problems in digestive system, diarrhoea or constipation, catching cold easily, not feeling well after having cold food and drinks, etc.

You may have experienced such kind of feeling: you’re desperate for cold drink because the head and throat are feeling hot, but after having cold drinks, the abdomen feels bad and even get diarrhoea. This is really typical after frequent PMO.

Ways of regimen
Knowing the mechanism of our symptoms, we can determine the method of restoration. In Chinese medicine the kind of restoration method is called ‘guiding fire back to its origin’ (引火歸/归元). The following methods are effective to restore the Yin-Yang balance:

  1. Foot bath
    This is very effective way to enhance circulation and warm the lower body. Soak the feet into warm water, with water level above ankle a bit. Adding Chinese mugwort (艾草) in water is even better. The water temperature needs not be so high, 40-45 degrees Celsius is enough. Take 15-20 minutes of foot bath, with little sweat at the back.

  2. Leg stretching
    Stretching legs can excite the energy channels of legs and lower body, promoting circulation of Qi. The best stretching method is the one created by Chinese medicine practitioner Zengxiang Zhu (朱增祥):

Your legs may not be straight, that’s normal and the hamstrings will gradually soften upon practice. If the unstretched leg cannot reach the ground, you may use books or yoga blocks to support. Besides, Gu Shen Gong as in Post #3 is also a good option of leg stretching.

  1. Jogging
    Jogging can excite acupuncture points on feet and legs, and promote circulation.

  2. Diaphragmatic Breathing
    Deep breathing with movement of abdomen warms the lower dantian (下丹田), which stores yuanqi (元氣/气), the innate Qi in the body. Diaphragmatic breathing can guide the life energy back to the lower dantian, fostering restoration of Jing and circulation of Qi and blood. After several cycles of breathing with a little pressure on abdomen during exhalation, you will already feel the heat in lower dantian and then the whole body starts to warm up.

You may also find a Chinese medicine practitioner for professional regimen applying acupuncture, moxibustion and medicine if symptoms are serious.

That’s all for my sharing. Thanks all for reading these posts. Feel free to express your thoughts and views about these posts, and share with us your special tips on the nofap journey!


You are doing an amazing work here brother!!

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Thank you @ToThy i learn a lot from your posts :heart:


Wow @saab7 the system shows your last post was 2 years ago… :joy: Welcome! Glad that the posts help you :blush:

The meaning is very simple if you know a bit of Sanskrit ,:slightly_smiling_face:

It says like- I bow down to you lord, the powerful and brave. Hey lord almighty please do stop my wandering mind and desires.


PS-keep doing good work :+1:


I almost forgot the post haha, thank you for explaining^^ Wish Lord gives us power to stop our wandering mind and desires :pray:

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