Sincere request for help

Hello everyone.

I’ve been struggling with some bad habit related to pornography, but my situation is kinda different from most people I’ve ever known.

Due to several reasons, specially spiritually, I stopped doing masturbation since 7 years ago and I’m still in hard mode. After some years I returned to access ■■■■ but just like a way of peeking without ejaculating having nome sexual activity.

In the last days I’ve been relapsing watching several ■■■■ videos like homo, bi (and several other kinds that I’m not going to describe here) because it’s like a way of my mind scape from reality some way, and even not doing masturbation I really want to stop this complicated issue. I also face several mental problems like social anxiety and maybe some other disorders, so everything seems be worse for me.

Should I try to do masturbation to avoid access ■■■■? I know it might not make any sense, but pornography is becoming a big monster that is really leading me to things that make me feel extremely bad.

(Sorry for any mistake)


Ever taken a walk in the park?


I think that would be wiser if you filled your time with other things not related with the bad habit. Watching those videos or masturbating seems like a negotiation with your brain and this is not a good path.


Do workout,yoga, meditation and work on what you really interested and why u really want to stop ‘BIG WHY’ only u can know what u want once you find have right mentor and follow him stay busy everything within you only you can change guru only can help you by sharing his knowledge do or not doing is with you nobody can do for you this my own experience


never muaterbate if you out of it, pornography is the problem musterbation too, if you are in trap of one monster dont awake the second try to get rid of it.
I want accoubtibilty partner will you?


Thanks for all replies!

Yes bro, sure. Message me.

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