Sexting but Avoiding PMO

My passionate preaching lol ldk tell me what you think

This is what l don’t get sometimes about society. When it comes to right and wrong it’s all about be strong and try to know the fine line.

See as a Christian male a lot of us will go through many phases. One phase is thinking about how does one have pleasure without being a sin.

See the point of the Bible is not the fact of saying hey l made this rule to annoy and be hard for you. No it’s about the world not being perfect and that being said God knows this and knows the downsides if you sin and so these guidelines are there. These guidelines are not meant to be a hassle per say but to protect us.

Coming back to the fine line if sin is so deadly my question is why risk going far close to it.

This is like how can i have sex without being a sin and trying to exploit the bible. The thing is if you know that sin is evil why do we stay close. If we were near a cliff you wouldn’t stay there but get far away from it and we should treat sin accordingly.

What does Porn and sexting have in common among other things.
They are both edging in arousal in mind and like 90% of anything sexual is from the mind.
A lot of time we put ourselves in terrible situations and i think if we carefully think clearly we will make better decision hence have less sexual triggers.

For example if l was holding $100 in the air in the hood dont dare expect nobody to take it. Sure stealing is bad but we have to be responsible and accountable for what we do in all things.
Same thing should be for sexting.
If you and another person talk sexual don’t dare think it won’t be sexual urges to then relapse.
Get rid of it all as a whole will be so beneficial for you.
Stay strong by being responsible and accountable.

If you agree can l please get an Amen :pray:

If your talking with your girlfriend or wife just do it and well relapse. You should now a girlfriend takes too long to find almost 0 chances. Use your mind urges only for her use. You will survive no-fap in no time.

Now if it’s online with strangers no. Never… Once you get those urges its done unless you can be so strong which I did try with my girlfriend 1 hour of roleplaying and my body gave up on me making me fap.

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