Searching a good book to read about life

Hey guys,
It has become a habit for me to read books about self-improvement/life in my train everyday. But now, I don’t have anything left to read. Could you share a book you considere good or even life-changing? Please also tell us what it talks about and how it changed you.
Thanks, I hope all these will be useful for everyone,

P.S : Personally, «No More Mr. Nice Guy» and «The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck» are definitely the best books about life I’ve ever read.


Awaken the gaint within, The Monk who sold his Ferrari

I think the alchemist is a good book about life it had thought me to chase my dreams and to trust the process. Wont continue telling you il let you read it to find out.


You can read… LEADERS EAT LAST by Simon Sinek. It’s a good book…


If you liked those books you mentioned, you’ll love ‘What Women Want when they Test Men.’ Go for it.

Another great “life changing” recommendation: ‘Mindset’ by Carol Dweck.

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Ok @aapoorv75 @adequatemonty @babi guys my number is +49 (0)172 945 2996. Can you send me the ebooks by whatsapp? Thanks a lot

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You must read Unlimited memory by Kevin horsley.

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Sure man… will send… you…

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Sorry bro, I only have paperback

Sorry bro, don’t have ebook versions that can be sent over WhatsApp. However, WWWWTTM is available on the Kindle app, I would say it’s worth the purchase. Cheers!