Resist & Rise šŸš€ - RC's Official Challenge [Challenge Ended]

@prince_king I have updated my current Badge, I hope thatā€™s alright :sweat_smile:

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Whatā€™s your Current Streak and current badge?

Hey I am New to Rewire. successfully passed 4Days. Wanna join this Challenge. Add me too @prince_king

Send your sharing code, rest we will update the leaderboard by ourselves.

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Send your sharing code.

It surely is, but I recommend that people also check-in so that I get reassured.

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Please count me in @prince_king. Iā€™m new here

Current badge: settler
Next milestone: 1 days
Number badge completed: 0
Sharing code: gdl6r2

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Hey there @prince_king , this challenge seems really competitive.
Pls add me to the challenge.

Code - yo3xh8
Current badge - settler
Next milestone - 5 days
Number of badges completed - 3

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This is how to find your sharing code:
Down below on the screen there will be 5 icons
Click on the 3rd one
Click on the 3 dots at the bottom
Click on ā€œMy sharing codeā€
Copy it and paste it here.

A sharing code allows the moderators of this challenge to view your streak.

I almost forgot,
Hello and welcome to Rewire Companion Forum and all the best!


Daily check in :ballot_box_with_check:
Current badge: Settler
Next milestone: 5 days


We can just mention 10 users Per Post
So I was thinking of making a 2nd leaderboard
So I wanted to know what you guys think about it should I made one?

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The idea is not bad, but in my opinion it can create confusion. Also people have to scroll a lot between the 2nd reply in this post to probably the 33rd or 34th reply in this post.

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What if that person is busy? Also a lot of people know how to update leaderboards and some of them have updated their streaks honestly

Self updating of leaderboard is best but making it compulsory to check in so that the changes are verified.


Well you and @Imaginator are mentioned as co admins so thereā€™s already enough people to update it on regular basis.


Hey @prince_king
My Code - 219b4k


Day 0 :no_mouth: I got Relapsed on my Day 5th
My enemy is me myself I need to defeat it!

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Hey do you wanted to join
If you wanted to join then send your number of Day also current Badge :+1:


Itā€™s ok to be on day 0 but itā€™s not ok to remain on day 0. Itā€™s ok to start again but itā€™s never ok to stop


Yes I will definitely addiction and win over myself


nz9mt1, no bade ATM, in 8h Iā€™ll reach first