Repairing the mind (14 days challenge)

Sharing code -cvawzm

Current streak - 1day 9 hr
Highest streak - 7 days
Age - 21
Gender - M

Why I want a companion -
“To walk long distance”
Come on guys who is willing to Rewire the best fortune of future life (mind).

Let’s do it :muscle:

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Day by day tasks :
Healthy morning routine
#wake up time (between 4:30-6:30am)
#manifest yourself ( by seeing yourself in mirror preferable) using specific and proper sentences .
#Go for a small walk
workout( 10min or above) -just to warm the body
#Read self help books or listen to self help podcast (15min and above)
#prayer or meditate - to feel the gratitude(10min)
#play mind games like sudoku, puzzles, etc.(10min)

Note:First 1 hr of starting of a day (especially first 30 min) fuel the mind for that day .

#30 min and above hard home workout or gym

Evening tasks :
#Take dinner 1-2hr before sleep .
#Avoid the use mobiles ,etc before 1 hr -to increase sleep quality

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Restarting it .

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