Renegade's Diary To 365 Days

Smoking my last cigarette ever in life , been lying to myself i am going to quit but this right here is it for me.

On to new begining’s


Happy birthday my man.
I hope you get the best gift on your birthday, control of your life.


Happy Birthday man,
Finally you are entering best part of your life…


:white_check_mark: Day 13: Haven’t even had urges or the temptation to pmo.I’m having more trouble being productive all i do all day is procrastinate.I need to follow threw with my thoughts otherwise i will never get where i want to be.Come on bro if you want to be the best version of yourself you got to drop the low quality habits. The man you want to be doesn’t succumb to procrastination he rips threw his day with 1000% focus and discipline. He understands that without discipline and a plan you have no hope to change the world.This is a war and your losing at the moment.Even though you refuse to back down and are still fighting you haven’t fired any good shots to hurt the enemy to eventually take down the empire.In your head you are a fierce warrior who takes control of the battlefield and makes him enemy scared.But in real life your a weak man who doesn’t follow his dreams with relentless attacks,which has been happening over and over for years now.Tomorrow you better be better than today and the next day better than that.

:heart:Im thankful for going threw all this pain so i can shape myself into the man i want to be


Beautiful post brother. You are absolutely right, it’s time to get to work. You’ve built up a strong defence, now it’s time to fire shots at the enemy through discipline and accomplishments. Keep going man.


:white_check_mark: Day 14: First two weeks completed, good gym session today.Its late when writing this so tired.

Thankful for my new hobby writing a diary :heart:


:white_check_mark: Day 15: Just a hit a pr at the gym (140kg farmers walk) even though i haven’t been eating and training probably i made it happen by absorbing or all my anger and disappointment in myself.I told myself if this weight doesn’t go up then im going to relapse again.And what do you know it gave me the extra push to break threw my mental barriers to pick up and carry the weight back and forth once.Felt like a beast after i did it.
Going to use this on the daily, pretty much hypnotizing myself and having true belief that i can achieve anything.

Thankful for heavy ass weights :heart:


You’re more than a quarter to hitting your no PMO PR. Keep going!


:x: Day 0: relapsed early today, not as upset as should be. I will now comeback stronger and even more motivated.Man this addiction sucks just wish i could never do it again. I was feeling so good and i let my old habit destroy me and make me give in. Full focus for the rest of the year only going to become better.

Feel like i let everydown and the truth is i did


:white_check_mark: Day 1 {Relapsed Counter:1}
Don’t know what to say besides i was doing really good until yesterday, had one of the longest streaks this year going and i fell for the same stupid reason i always relapse to (Alcohol). It always ends to me relapsing and giving in,i promise myself i will never drink alcohol till i beat this addiction or never.
Time to really apply pressure, I’ve let everyone see me relapsed once on this forum and i promise you wont see it again. I don’t care what i got to do,what friends I’ve got to cut out how hard i have to work this will be it right here.
I am a man of my word and so when i tell myself this is it,i mean it.One fuck up is all im giving myself and it happened so its crunch time now.

Thankful for being put back in my place by relapsing, realizing it’s going to be hard and that the last relapse gave me the last push i needed to quit forever. :heart:


Also thankful for being new user of the month , ive have been trying to help and spread positivity on here since i started.



  • Reach my longest streak of all time, from over 15 years of struggling {54 Days} 24/6/23 :x:

  • 90 Days 30/7/23 :x:

  • 100 Days 9/8/23 :x:

  • 120 Days 29/8/23 :x:

  • 180 Days 28/10/23 :x:

  • 243 Days 31/12/23 :x:


:white_check_mark: Day 2 {Relapsed Counter:1}
Feel depleted and tired.Been here 1,000 times over and over.When will this end,i know this ends now. And i mean now , no more will i write on here saying i have relapsed ever again. Its embarrassing as a full grown man i can’t quit this addiction.
I just pmo’d for the last time 2 days ago, i couldn’t stand being a hypocrite when i had to reset my counter, especially after i said i wouldn’t fall ever again. I am a man of my word.I can’t take one more reset it will nearly kill whatever soul i have left.This has to be it right here right now.I can’t take my life getting any lower than it’s been.
I have to be fully focused,seriously devoted and to truly in my heart believe i never will again.
These next few days are going to be me convincing and showing the mindset im going to have till i reboot my brain.

Thankful for everyone on here for keeping me accountable, not once did i think not to reset my streak,even though i felt shame and embarrassed.Feel like everyone on here is pretty honest and actually cares about people’s progress and relapses.


Carve these words into your soul, brother. Remember your word and remind yourself of it often. There were SO MANY TIMES on this journey that I could have given into the urges. But PMO has taken enough from us.

There is no addiction stronger than the resolve of a man determined to escape it. We have given our word that we will never relapse again, and we are sick and tired of breaking our word. No more.

It is time for success. Keep going man. :muscle:


Appreciate your support and back up, after all these years or hiding and pretending nothing was wrong to me in the outside world. I love and enjoy being able to have “friends” who have the same addiction and who give good advice and words of affirmation. Dont worry @Forerunner it will carved on my soul,brain and heart from here on out​:heart::ok_hand:


:white_check_mark: Day 3 {Relapse Counter 1}
I walked in front of my mirror today and something told me to stop,as i did i began to stare at my own reflection,started to realize what i have become and where i fail at everything in life.

Are you really going to have anxiety for the rest of your life while other people are out there socializing,laughing and creating great memories.But here you are scared,anxious,nervous,to lazy to face your fears (i wouldn’t even call them fears just made up nonsense in your head). Who cares what other people think of you, you are not special ,they will forget about you 2 seconds after you walk by and continue on with there lives.We are all just a tiny little part of this world why bother about people you see.At the end of the day nothing anyone says or thinks is going to affect your life one bit.
And the only thing we all have in common is .WE ALL DIE

Looking at my face i saw pathetic looking skin which i was meant to care of years ago.But no Ive been to busy trying to stop pmo’ing that i keep saying tomorrow. Maybe if i actually looked after myself hygiene wise i would be able to follow threw with never relapsing.
There is no tomorrow, there is no more putting any task or goals off “Just one more day”. I have been saying that for years now and its led me no where except self destruction and on the same shitty path. :rage: :rage:

I didn’t like the look of the man i saw today,all the lies,all the giving up,all the dreams i haven’t lived.All the inconsistent bullshit and thoughts i have been telling myself.If this is the man you die as would you consider yourself satisfied with the life you lived? FUARKKK NOOOOO I haven’t even started or scratched the surface of what i want to achieve.Not even a 1/4 of the man i want to be.So sick and tired of letting myself down day after day after day.
Streak reset after streak reset after reset.
Blah blah blah blah. You look like shit and speak to yourself like shit all the time no wonder why your life is shit.You have no one to blame but your own weak minded self.Can’t believe you even let some digital screen of naked girls lead your life to come to this.And you haven’t even got the balls to quit and stop.
You don’t deserve to end this pain until you are ready and you have plenty of work to do.So stop telling yourself you are going to do it and actually DOOOO ITTTTTTTTT
Stop Learning and studying and just fuarking apply it.

Thankful for the real me deep inside my brain,hidden and shied away because of all the years of wrong doing and self doubt. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Let’s Gooooooooooooooo

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:white_check_mark: Day 4 {Relapse Counter 1}
Normal relaxed day no urges,no tiredness or brain fog just a day where it cruised along.

Thankful for not even thinking about giving in one little bit :heart: :heart:


Bro, is this helpful for you to keep writing that? We aren’t going to see Relapse Counter 2, so what is the use?

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Yeah i actually agree.
Just wanted to remind myself how many times ive relapsed since being on here, but yeah useless.

Thanks for the feedback

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want to challenge? Let’s do this together. I’m not relapsing till the end of this week (Sunday)
I’m feeling pretty confident that I won’t be doing it.