If you’re reading this, you’re obviously struggling with your ■■■■ addiction. Whether you’re male or female it affects all human beings basically the same way. One way to quit pmo is the cold turkey where you just stop and try your best not to watch ■■■■ and masturbate. However, this can lead to relapses followed by binge consumption. Abruptly quitting your addiction may not be best suited to you, so this seven-month plan is designed to reduce the chance of any relapse. Keep in mind this stuff is from online sources and I did not think of this on my own.
First, make a list of every bad habit you want to break and pair them with ones you want to form. It’s important that when you drop a habit, you form another better one to fill its space otherwise you’ll feel empty inside.
Next you need to separate porno from masturbation. For 15 days, never masturbate and watch pornography at the same time. Have at least a five-minute gap between the two so that your mind can learn to For the 15 more days, eliminate masturbation and be sure to limit your pornography sessions to 15 minutes three specific days of the week (e.g. Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays). For 15 MORE days,eliminate pornography and limit masturbation to the same three days of the week. For the last 15 days, repeat the second part. At this point, your mind will have sufficiently separated masturbation and pornography and will be prepared for you to cut out pornography forever.
Now you stop watching ■■■■. Cut off any and all distractions that might lead you to relapse. Download software that filters the web and, if you have trustworthy people in your life, accountability software.Remember that many of the people involved in pornography are victims of abuse, and by using pornography you are perpetuating the demand for pornography and their abuse.
Next you must control masturbation over a three-month period. USE the time you aren’t masturbating to work on improving other aspects in life (such as the good habits you wanted to form). Try limiting yourself to mormings on 3 specific days of the week. At first it will be hard if you used to masturbate many more times a week, but towards the end of the three months it will become easier.
Now towards the end, spend one month limiting yourself to two days of the week (Tuesdays and Fridays). This helps increase your confidence level.Afterwards, spend one last month limiting yourself to masturbation only on one day of the week (Tuesdays).Use your newly gained confidence to break free of this habit. Take the time to review the gains you’ve accomplished over the last seven months, and give yourself a healthy treat and a pat on the back.
As I said before, I DID NOT create this. It’s from online and I will leave a link below if you want to check out that article. Currently I’m on the first part and will check in daily. I hope this helped! Bye see you soon!
Link to the article: