Psychology and long streaks

I dont know how this thread will go… lets give it a try. Read till the end.

So this is all about our mind’s psychology in maintaining our streaks… it plays a vital role in everything…

What you have to do in this thread is… findout things that psychologically takes place and helps you maintaining your streaks…

One of my psychological belief is :-
When i last relapsed… it was 5:00pm in the evening… how has this benefited me in this streak??
Answer is :- now the counter always updates the total Days in the evening… which means… i see the progress (before i used to relapse at night, so the counter used to update at night and i would miss the moment) what happens now is, i see my counter progressing right at 5:00pm… one more benefit is :- after whole day’s work… i see my counter progress by evening… which feels good… like a reward and motivation to kill the urges at night… and by next morning… I don’t have to wait for long hours to see my counter update because it is going to reward me with motivation in less hours as compared to earlier… and for afternoon urges… that is, from 1pm to 4 pm… i know i have to make only 3-4 hours to add one more day to my counter… so why relapse and waste whole efforts…

Similarly, if you have such psychological beliefs… you can share them in this thread… which can help others to maintain their streaks…

This will also help us understand our relapse pattern and this will also give us a chance to observe ourself and understand our brain’s psychology.


Psychological belief :-

Just like medicines, I watch and focus on the streak counter minimum 3 times in a day… so that when i am not using my phone or rewire app, i still have my progress image infront of eyes. So instead of visualizing and fantasizing about PMO… I focus on my progress counter which i have achieved after so much abstinence… this belief keeps me attached to my streak…


If you’re only a night doer. Setting up streak in morning makes person hold back for 1 night. And cycle goes on.


Once you are near your personal best score… there is always a fear that you will relapse now because this is the limit till which you can hold…


Once you just cross your personal best score… there is nothing stopping your streak… You will just want to go and go…

Till then… hold on… don’t give up… cross that mark… and embrace the moment.


A real truth bro. Also when people get into high streaks they usually stop caring about the days and nofap and will convert entire focus into their goals. This is good but certain situations in our lives will.bring a lot of pressure, stress, boredom or lonliness even when we are on high Streaks. This is the point in which we should stay strong. During this time that person on high streak must take one day at a time. He must be very careful and concious not to go back to PMO whatever happens!
This is very important bro. This is where I fell from day day 112, I had almost no urges. I just peeked, watched random pics in chrome, then YouTube then as you can guess to PMO. The neural pathways to PMO won’t go easily from our brain, it is very strong, one of the strongest. All we can do is conciously stay away from falling down


What’s the psychology on NoFap with hot water bath and cold water bath…??? I really want to know this…
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