Pornography is not what I thought to be

This was one of the confessions which I plan to confess for past few years.

Believe me or not , I have never used P for past 1.5 years. I came across this filth when I was 17 , realized it was an addiction when I was 18. Joined this forum when I was 18.5 years , Confessed my addiction to my parents at 19. Then I struggled for almost like 6 months to get rid of addiction. By blessings of God , I have never typed any kind of direct pornography content neither on my laptop nor on my phone.

At 19 , Covid has not completely gone here. So we were having our classes online. Those days , I have a habit of learning tough yoga poses to engage myself during free time on YouTube. There I saw some women who claim themselves as certified yoga instructors but reveal too much when they do some certain poses.

Initially I thought its because of my P addiction , I see women in that way. Now I am 21.5 but I admit I still get hooked up into that. In my opinion , this is different from Instagram model we see because we know that their main objective is to make us hooked into that. What I realised is that , I can resist the direct thoughts like P pictures flashing , Cleavege insta models because whenever I realized that these women are upto no good , I started to reject them as trash.

But why I cant do the same for these yoga instructors is that the advice they give wrt yoga is so accurate and formal but the way in which they show their poses is so gross in such a way I feel " Why dont this women wear a little more better clothing ? ". Its like listening to a very kinky item song but the music is also great at the same time , which creates a constant doubt whether to get hooked or enjoy the music etc. I can give you examples of those yoga instructors but preferring not to because I dont want to give you additional reason to relapse in case you get hooked into it.

Then you might tell me , dont type anything related to yoga. Its a very practical answer but the thing is I have progressed a lot learning yoga from Youtube. So I dont want to remove it completely.

Then you might say , dont consume the videos of yoga instructors that triggers you. But like how much. There are like 1000s of channels similar to what I said above.

For me , This is as dangerous as P since I lose a lot of time and eventually lead to MO.

If someone have any idea , feel free to share. Criticize me as much as you want. I am fully open to suggestions and would be grateful if your ideas are helping me.



Just search for male yoga instructor channels to learn from.
there are many also.

Or are they also triggering for you?


Hey man,

I understand your struggle with navigating platforms such as youtube that has mixed content.
Maybe it’s better to download the most important yoga videos (which are also safe in that sense) onto your pc or whatever gadget and block the content on youtube i.e. block the specific keywords, be it “yoga” or whatever else.


Watch male yoga instructors


I would suggest you to buy the yoga book “Asana, Pranayam Bandha Mudra” and switch to male yoga instructors.

For Pranayam and Deep breath, I suggest you to follow “Take a deep breath” channel


Thank you @huntingeagle , @Linerider , @VAGABOND and @Amitroghates for the advice. I will look into it


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