Porn blocker application

Can anyone tell which is the best application to block porn permanently on the phone

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there are a tons of app available for example blocker x.
but honestly saying bro, no blocker can help you during urge time, you can easily delete it.
your mind is the best blocker.


Nearly everyone is going to say mind is the best app to block which is true but practically not helpful.

Since you actually want apps, I’d suggest digital wellbeing- focus mode on your phone and remove Google, YouTube etc.
BlockerX is good, but I use Blocksite instead because the free version has the option to set up a password, which I did. Someone else made the password and I don’t know it, so that helps a lot.


I have been using “AppBlock” created by “mobileSoft” it serves the purpose, and I still have it on my phone.

Instead of using any specific app, block porn using DNS.
I have changed my dns setting to filter all adult content, and I lock my settings during the night to prevent myself from changing the dns setting. :smiley:


I am surrounded during the daytime so I don’t have problem controlling urges during daytime.
But during night… So I have already applied countermeasures for it settings locked after 9pm even I can’t open it after 9pm no matter.
I agree with what you said but I can’t tell anyone, they will ask why I am doing that.

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Try Lock me Out app. It works best for me

Bulldog blocker! It uses a dns filter and completely blocks all known and unknown porn sites