Porn Addiction Test Feedback

Hey Guys,

I’ve been recovering from Porn for 5 years now.

I’ve always wanted to give back to the community and finally found out how.

I made a website with a test to give you an addiction diagnosis.

I’d really appreciate some feedback on how I can make the website better.

You can see it here:


I’d say most of the questions are pretty obvious but maybe for a newcomer it could be eye opening to have those questions asked. I’m referring to people who really don’t know that they are addicted yet.

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Thanks for sharing this, I’m at day 350+ and very glad to see the results.! My sharing code 488n2z


Thanks a lot guys!

This test is mostly going to be served to people who are searching for a test, you can’t really get people who don’t realize they have a problem to get tested. Unfortunately.

I’m so glad you tested negatively!

My final results

I’m addicted to masturbarion though.

For some reason I cannot pass the 25% mark

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This happened to me as well. I was stuck at 25%.

I was stuck at 25% as well and then I used my laptop and started the test again.

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The test worked for me when I went on my PC instead of my phone, and didn’t access the website through the app.

The test is good - very clean and professional, beautiful design. I would suggest having more options at the end like multiple levels of addictedness (like mild, moderate and severe with reasons and evidence) and negative consequences of pornography addiction.

Wow okay I’ll have to check that out.

It’s been working for me on mobile emulators.

Thanks for the feedback guys!