PlanRed's Diary

Yes bro

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which church? just curious. about denomination.

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R u Christian

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Nah it isn’t obvious.
People belonging to different religion also visit Church
I myself a Hindu but visited Church many times and loved the divine vibe especially the English prayers etc.
Church Father knew I am from different religion but never minded it and had always wished the good for my life

I visited Church 20 times :upside_down_face:

5 different churches in Lebanon, and 2 in Tunisia.

Churches in Lebanon are more beautiful though.


I am a Muslim and I never visited church because there is no church near my house , I saw churches in TV and become curious to see and visit it but sadly I can’t because the only church near my house is 2 hours away.

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Are you allowed to cross the border like that?
Is there a treaty or a border agreement something like that? Just curious
You are a Tunisian National Right?
Ok may be you went in Tour to Lebanon
Because with little knowledge of World Map I have, Tunisia is soooooo far from Lebanon
I am asking this because you even said before moving to Tunisia, you actually lived in a War torn country with missiles flying left right centre (which obviously lies in Israeli - Egyptian- Palestinian Region) and you said you narrowly escaped the missile hitting your house

True faces are revealed in adversity.

@Sholt_Tenkerrot knows how I look, ask him :moyai:

The one in CP, right?

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You know too much don’t you :man_police_officer: btw how it looks like.

The church is Big & clean, it’s peaceful there to be honest.
It’s not crowded like other places in CP, like the Gurudwara, that’s filled up to 60-70% mostly.

My mom is from Lebanon :nerd_face:

It’s my great grandfather’s house. We go there each summer.

Bruh no between 2007 and 2023 it was a peaceful country. It’s only now that the situation got :fire::fire::fire: Even though it’s just getting started :skull:


Ohh OK :+1:
OOL So here❤️

I don’t understand West Asia’s Geo political dynamics in any way. Its quite confusing too about Who will attack whom and why? Because everyone is everyone 's enemy
Peace Shall Prevail :relieved: :pray: :sparkles:


You went too deep :skull:


Doesnt look like it will :skull:


Okay we’ll send you to broker peace :v: :skull:


I will be the first to die :skull:

You will be loaded in a missile gun and launched to the opposite side💀