If everyone studies more than 15 hours, then let no one do face reveal
I’ll also join you guys
But we need solid proofs of actual hours studied each day
We can’t take oral evidence
We need timer from YPT app
Thats too less tbh brother only 2 hours a day , atleast 3.5 hours a day will be great , almost 24 hours this week
I’ll complete 15 hrs tomorrow itself. That will compensate my screwed up Study goal in Study Challenge
But for next week that will be enough I gues
May be next to next week we’ll set 24 hours
We need growth trajectory
Thats it
PlanRed is not used to study every day. She mostly studies 2-4 hours for 2-3 days and gives up 3-4 days. I’m just making it manageable.
Bro knows me better than mee❤
Its not about making someone lose with a difficult contest
But its about making everyone win and taking everyone together
I know growth will be slower
But it is still better than no growth
Haha well you did join my study challenge
@PlanRed it’s high time for you . Here’s a motivation for you ! What do you say about 24 hours!?
Guys lets talk somewhere else
You are free to talk in my diary
Do you think you can do it ? Cause it will be more cool if you can
20 hours
Okay now?
Yes , brother i studied 25-26 hours in one week (avatar challenge ) , especially the last week of avatar challenge . So hell yeah
42 hrs next week. I want to join
I guess 20 will do good
Why u guys underestimating me?
Dont get over excited / motivated that you will have to regret later . Saying it for you slowly increase the time @anon63367197