Orgasm while having wet dream count as a relapse?

I used to get wet dreams in my early teens and apparently alot of no fappers do at some point as well so I was wondering does having an orgasm during a wet dream count as a relapse?

Wet dream is a signal that your mind is rewiring. It’s positive and natural, so doesn’t count as relapse.

Porn addicts don’t dream due to brainfog.


Its not the orgasm same as actual. Dream orgasm is like ejaculating the prostate juice. It is healthy and it is a blessing in disguise.

Never compare it with the actual one. Dream ejaculation is for your own good health. It ejaculates the hidden suppressed feelings.


@ReloadingSacks @Courageous

Thanks, that’s cleared a lot up. It was one of my worries that it would count as a relapse so that’s one thing I don’t have to worry about.

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but I had wet dream 1st at day 26 2nd at day 51 & 3rd one quite early at day 61 but that night I am having huge urges

Whether My Brain is rewiring quite fast or my urges playing big role in it

Alright I was not precise…

Basically porn addicts don’t dream, whether in normal or wet way. Wet dream is natural response of your body for lack of orgasm/sex. When you collect “it” enough, the body craves for release.

To prevent wet dreams to appear, don’t fantasize, visualize or bring up experiences which might trigger/feed the urge. Relax, stay calm, do breathing exercise or meditate to cleanse your mind. Thoughts are not your body. Don’t act on them. Watch them, how they flow and disappear, because they are temporary.

Urges will be always there, but within time you harden your mind and know how to prevent them.