One Year Bible Challenge 2025 [Entries Open]

flowers Welcome to the Read the Bible for One Year Challenge! flowers

This challenge is for anyone who desires to grow in faith through daily Bible reading and study. Whether you’re a beginner or more experienced, you can choose any version of the Bible that you’re most comfortable with. I will be quoting Bible verses from the KJV

Each day, I’ll share a reading plan that guides what to read and study. If you’re ready to embark on this journey, simply check in and follow along!

:bookmark: Rules:

  1. Daily Check-ins:

    Share your progress each day in this thread.

  2. Be Honest:

    This challenge is about growth, not perfection, so be open with your journey.

  3. Leaderboard:

    Track your progress and keep yourself accountable by updating your check-ins on the leaderboard!

  4. Study Partners:

    If you’d like, you can tag a companion to study with and grow together!

  5. Daily Routine:

    Specify the time you plan to read and study the Bible to help build a strong habit.

  6. Daily Lessons:

    I will provide a lesson each day based on the readings, helping you dive deeper into understanding.

  7. Check in for those on a different study plan

    You can check in if you are not studying my plan. If you do check in use the same format that all of us use to keep up with your daily progress.

  8. Badges

    Badges will be awarded to those who complete certain days

    :medal_military: = 30 days
    :medal_sports: = 60 days
    :trophy: = 90 days
    :star2: = 120 days
    :trident: = 180 days
    :gem: = 270 days
    :open_book: = 365 days

  9. Quiz

    Quiz will be provided every day, to test your knowledge of the Bible. If you complete the quiz you will be given a :star: for 3 right answers beside your username.

Check-in Format:

# **Study Check-In for [Insert Date]**

| **Scripture**             | **Done** |
| **____________**             | [ ]      |
| **____________**        | [ ]      |
| **____________**             | [ ]      |
| **____________** | [ ]      |

**Reading Complete**: ✅ [Insert Date/Time]

How to Check-in:

  1. Copy the format above and paste it into a new post.
  2. Fill in the blanks for your study each day.
  3. After reading each passage, simply edit the post by marking the checkbox [ ] as complete [x] for each section you finish.
  4. Here’s an example of how it will look when you first post:

Study Check-In for January 01, 2025

Scripture Done
Genesis 1,2
Psalm 1
Proverbs 1
Matthew 1

Reading Complete: :white_check_mark: 01/01/2025 Wednesday 4:20 am to 5:01 am

More Information

I will provide a week for each study lesson, so that if you prefer you can read ahead. The week fill out will be on every Sunday morning EST of the week.

If you see any mistakes please be kind and show me my mistake.

If you’re ready to join this spiritual journey, simply tag me (@Prayer_Warrior ) and let’s grow together in faith together.


2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

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The Leaderboard

Participant Days Completed Last Check-in Companion for the Month
Prayer Warrior 11/365 Jan 11 Walnes
user1234567890 11/365 Jan 11 Green Lantern
MrSam105 X/365 Jan X debellator
Saon X/365 Jan X Jasonforwin
Green Lantern 7/365 Jan 7 user1234567890
Walnes X/365 Jan X Prayer Warrior
Jasonforwin X/365 Jan X Saon
debellator X/365 Jan X MrSam105

How to Use the Leaderboard:

  • Days Completed: Track how many days of Bible reading you’ve completed so far.
  • Last Check-in: Keep track of your latest check-in date to maintain accountability.
  • Companion: Each month I will provide you your companion. If you choose to tag someone to be there companion for the next month please be courteous enough to let them know a week before the next month.
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Check-in Days - Top Months :spiral_calendar:

Based on Total no. of check-in days out of the respective total days for that month.

January :snowman_with_snow:

# Usernames Check-in days
1 Prayer_Warrior 7
2 user1234567890
3 MrSam105
4 saon
5 Green_Lantern 7
6 Walnes
7 Jasonforwin
8 debellator

February :foggy:

# Usernames Check-in days
1 Prayer_Warrior
2 user1234567890
3 MrSam105
4 saon
5 Green_Lantern
6 Walnes
7 Jasonforwin
8 debellator

March :seedling:

# Usernames Check-in days
1 Prayer_Warrior
2 user1234567890
3 MrSam105
4 saon
5 Green_Lantern
6 Walnes
7 Jasonforwin
8 debellator

April :sunflower:

# Usernames Check-in days
1 Prayer_Warrior
2 user1234567890
3 MrSam105
4 saon
5 Green_Lantern
6 Walnes
7 Jasonforwin
8 debellator

May :sunny:

# Usernames Check-in days
1 Prayer_Warrior
2 user1234567890
3 MrSam105
4 saon
5 Green_Lantern
6 Walnes
7 Jasonforwin
8 debellator

June :desert:

# Usernames Check-in days
1 Prayer_Warrior
2 user1234567890
3 MrSam105
4 saon
5 Green_Lantern
6 Walnes
7 Jasonforwin
8 debellator

July :cloud_with_rain:

# Usernames Check-in days
1 Prayer_Warrior
2 user1234567890
3 MrSam105
4 saon
5 Green_Lantern
6 Walnes
7 Jasonforwin
8 debellator

August :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

# Usernames Check-in days
1 Prayer_Warrior
2 user1234567890
3 MrSam105
4 saon
5 Green_Lantern
6 Walnes
7 Jasonforwin
8 debellator

September :fallen_leaf:

# Usernames Check-in days
1 Prayer_Warrior
2 user1234567890
3 MrSam105
4 saon
5 Green_Lantern
6 Walnes
7 Jasonforwin
8 debellator

October :maple_leaf:

# Usernames Check-in days
1 Prayer_Warrior
2 user1234567890
3 MrSam105
4 saon
5 Green_Lantern
6 Walnes
7 Jasonforwin
8 debellator

November :snowflake:

# Usernames Check-in days
1 Prayer_Warrior
2 user1234567890
3 MrSam105
4 saon
5 Green_Lantern
6 Walnes
7 Jasonforwin
8 debellator

December :christmas_tree:

# Usernames Check-in days
1 Prayer_Warrior
2 user1234567890
3 MrSam105
4 saon
5 Green_Lantern
6 Walnes
7 Jasonforwin
8 debellator


Username Badges
Prayer Warrior
Green Lantern

:star: for each completed quiz

3 right answers you get a :star:

Username |quiz completed |

Username quiz completed
Prayer Warrior :star: :star: :star: :star:
user1234567890 :star: :star: :star:
MrSam105 :star: :star:
saon :star: :star:
Green Lantern :star:
Walnes :star:
debellator :star:
  1. Used for future posts

@user1234567890 @MrSam105 @saon please read over the first post and tell me what do think of it. Thank you.

God Bless Y’all!

@mphexpert if you care to join us please let me know and I will add you to the list.

I appreciate the invite, but I’m already a part of a Bible in a year program outside of this forum. Thanks though!

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No problem Brother @mphexpert I just thought you might want to keep up with your progress here. You can write down what you study every day for one year and it will be counted here.

Calling @Jasonforwin @Kanzo @Walnes @humblemight @TheSeeker @The_EnlightenedOne would y’all like to join us!


@debellator you can now join this challenge because you can keep up with your progress here if you wish. You don’t have to follow my plan but you can read your own plan whatever that may be.

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Good brother @Prayer_Warrior

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Currently I am quite busy for exams
After exams get over, I will join this Challenge
Thanks for the invitation

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@Prayer_Warrior since you are filling it out once a week I can do this. Hope you don’t mind I added my name to the Leaderboard. @user1234567890 this coming January you will be my Companion. I only will be able to check in once a week so be patient with me.


That’s fine @Green_Lantern thank you for joining this challenge.

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sure please add me brother :pray:. Thank you :heart:

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@Walnes who do you want for a companion in January?

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I actually don’t think of anyone else, besides you

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Okay Brother I will take you as my companion for January. Thank you for letting me know.

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Yep! I’m definitely in @Prayer_Warrior! :smiling_face: And @Green_Lantern That sounds great :+1:!