Nostalgia | Night thoughts

I remember when I first came here, there was a girl who joined the community at the same time.
She was my first ever rewire companion.
I thought it would be easy to leave this addiction as I have a girl as companion but it only turned to be an approach run by my ego. Eventually, she left the addiction easily whereas I am still stuck here.
. 2 years passed
I want to get free from this addiction like her.
I want to feel healthy and confident.
I want that manliness that others have.
I want it all. Thank you for listening.


Let’s be honest of course she had little no problems quitting this addiction, us men are wired to want to have sex with many girls as possible and as much times per day. The whole p0rn industry is targeted at men why you think all these girls are super rich of onlyfans.

And you can achieve this over time , the only way your going to though is when you really really want to quit.


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