Nofap mafia challenge [CHALLENGE FINISHED]

remake of remake from my lost account

Episode 1

Something strange is happening in the city of Budapest. The city’s population is decreasing every day.

The main supplies of food in the city were seized, and the workers were taken prisoner. The mayor of the town was brutally murdered, and his inner circle was hanged. The “bOther” criminal group is believed to be responsible for these crimes. The main population of the city fled in fear to neighboring towns, leaving not many people behind.

The population of the city has decided to organize resistance to the criminals. But they have a problem - they don’t know which of them are criminals and which are not.


Another big problem is that a maniac with the nickname “Corsson” has been released from jail and wants revenge on everyone in the city. Every single one of them.

But you can help our glorious city and write your name tohistory!

Main rules

  • After starting the game, you’ll receive your character directly from @surname.
  • Don’t tell your character to anyone!
  • You will be added to the “Budapest city chat” and other chats according to your role (for example, “Mafia chat”)
  • Daily, you need to write something in the chat, or you’ll be suspected!
  • During the daytime, you need to vote for one person in whom you’re suspicious.
  • The person with the most votes will be eliminated.
  • During the nighttime, you need to act according to your role.
  • If you relapse the first time, you’ll get ill for one day. You won’t be able to vote, move, or write anything.
  • If you relapse the second time, you’ll get terminally ill. You’ll be dead and make winning for your team harder.

Main roles and their possibilities

“Resistance” group


  • At daytime: You can vote for 1 suspicious person
  • At nighttime: man, you’re tired, you need to rest for next working day…

Police Officer

  • At daytime: You can vote for 1 suspicious person
  • At nighttime: you can check the documents of one of the residents and inform everyone about his role in the morning (informing will be automatic so don’t show your identity to anyone)
    if you’ll check the person who was attacked at night, person will be healthy, because mafia and maniac are afraid of you

Also has helper role:

Newbie policeman

Becomes a detective after his death.Before becoming detective has same possibilities as citizen.


  • At daytime: You can vote for 1 suspicious person
  • At nighttime: you can visit home of one of residents and heal him (he won’t get damage if will be attacked by maniac or mafia)

Also has helper role:


Becomes a doctor if doctor will be dead.
Before becoming the doctor, he has same possibilities as citizen.


  • At daytime: You can vote for 1 suspicious person
  • At nighttime: you can visit home of one of residents and grab him… grabbed person won’t be able to move this night (be wise and grab only mafias and maniac)

“The bOther” group

every member of this will be together at 1 separate chat

Mafia boss

  • At daytime: You can vote for 1 suspicious person
  • At nighttime: you can freeze one of the citizens and he won’t be able to move at night and day

Mafia member

  • At daytime: You can vote for 1 suspicious person
  • At nighttime: you can kill one person (if you’re more than 1 people anyway 1 people will be killed at night, so you need to vote together)

Maniac ̶G̶r̶o̶u̶p̶

group consist only 1 person!


  • At daytime: You can vote for 1 suspicious person
  • At nighttime: you can kill one person

Results of every day/night: Nofap mafia challenge [CHALLENGE FINISHED] - #185 by surname


:trophy:Hall of the fame :trophy:

:reminder_ribbon:Winners of the 1st season :gun:team Mafia :gun:

:firecracker:First member killed: @vincitquisevincit

:medal_military: Most saved lives: @TheSeeker and @redFalcon - 1 live

:ticket:Survived players:

:sparkles:Most of the correct guesses: @Crskay 2 guesses

:ice_cube:Most of the freezes @Nerbo 2 freezes

:1st_place_medal:Most active member in the chat: @Crskay

:1st_place_medal:Most active member overall @Nerbo

:jack_o_lantern:The longest survival time with the least number of team members @DarkDLeo

:confetti_ball:The first participant of the game @piyushchandak

:heart:Most amount of likes to the posts: @DarkDLeo

:medal_sports:Great moderator Doncarlo

Ok, guys let’s remember all of the participants:

Results of every day/night: Nofap mafia challenge [CHALLENGE FINISHED] - #185 by surname


Thank you all for the participation!


Wow it seems something interesting I want to join it brother

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@surname Happy birthday brother :partying_face:


I want to join in mafia gang

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g3k8uz this is my code

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Thank you very much, I appreciate it)

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Amazing challenge! Welcome brother! And happy birthday @surname, may God help you to achieve everything you want!


I think you misunderstood a bit rules of the challenge)
Your role will be random, so our game will be more interesting. Then I will create separate chats for everyone and mafias(so they could talk about their plans and select who they need to kill).
After that game will begin

Thanks, brother, I appreciate your words

I added everyone of you to the list of contestants: @piyushchandak @K.VASANTHAKUMAR @Sholtro_Tenjerrot
Wish you all good luck! We need 5 more people to start


Hey brother, i am really sorry i can’t join this challenge rn, will join this interesting challenge in future, i am currently in 3 challenges ! All the best!

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No problem, brother. Anyway, I’m not really sure if this challenge will begin or not)

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This challenge is quite interesting others will join after checking out this thread! I have a doubt do they have to dm you to know whom they are eliminating, because if they will message here the doc will get to know the target and will save him, and same mafia can do and eliminate other player!

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I will be a moderator here, so everything related to docs, mafias, sheriffs will be known only to me and not for others. They will get the results(who was killed/healed/revealed) only at the daytime, but the chat of members(which also will be different from this page and private as well) will be active at night too

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Happy birthday Unknown fapper @surname :birthday:

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I wanna join
Sharing code:3c700n
@Nerbo ,you wanna join?

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I fear Brother, I guess my plate is full.


Nope, you can join. Because no one knows how much more people will join, so do join. Let’s see… :smiley:

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@surname Hey bro I need to make an request. Do remove my name from this challenge. The reason is I didn’t relapse but I will be unable to participate.

My college will start soon and I need to make some preparations before the college starts. I am an extreme introverted guy. For me opening up in WhatsApp and online communities is very easy but in real life it’s very hard for me.

Sorry for my withdrawal but I need to work from now onwards. After all this forum will always be there but self development time won’t come.

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