@ayushbantaiji Your charmander grew by 16 levels
what??? your charmander is evolving!
Congratulations your charmander evolved into charmeleon!
@ayushbantaiji Your charmander grew by 16 levels
what??? your charmander is evolving!
Congratulations your charmander evolved into charmeleon!
@simba92 choose pokemon from this post
Congratulations bro
Checking in day 4
I choose
Tell me the rule like when I have to choose a new Pokemon?
Thanks man…and every one for your good wishes…
@simba92 recieved raticate
what do u mean???
OK my 2nd Pokemon is chickorita
@karthik_5113 choose pokemon from that post
you guys should visit this thread to see whats happening
@nofapstar123 I already said this but I’ll say it again to make sure you took note of it I choose NoctOwl
OK OK my 2nd Pokemon is Raticate
i know i have added it already dont worry it was a miistake
@karthik_5113 recieved raticate
Who is my next computator
you will know that 6 days later
OK bro done thank you
Till then it’s you vs you…
Ya that is only more difficult
To face our selves is the worst thing ever…?