@wick_op recieved slowbro
Ya. We both had, Nidoking, gengar, gyarados and Golem. But I used chansey instead of gengar I guess.
Yeah I think so. Gengar sucks against the wrong pokemon type.
Gengar was fast, but I only really used it for destiny bond. Chansey on the other hand is a whole unit
Yeah that’s true. But against NidoKing and NidoQueen it’s better.
Good night guys, gotta go finish some topics
We are gonna get our 2 nd badge tomorrow!
Congo brother…
bruh i feel so bad…and sorry …
I relapsed…
I am missing this challenge now…
I am missing u guys…
Don’t give up.
Keep going.
I wish all of u succeed in this challenge…
I am starting again from day 0.
Wish me luck.
Dont worry
Keep fighting brother.
Sorry am forget sangotun Pokemon
You rocked bhai, . Give me some tips.
I chose primeape
same reason I chose it
How to choose the second Pokemon?
I choose tortodile
I will choose treeko
I choose Treeko…
Is it available?
I choose Victreebel.
Also Check in
Day 3
Day 2 Checked in*
Defeated Violet City Gym Leader
Received Slowbro( No nickname)
( I have not lost , I just live in an alternate timeline
*Ignore this message. I am writing all this for self satisfaction.