Nofap league championship!(30 days nofap challenge)[ENTRIES CLOSED]

Brother we both have had a promise :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:… Man why? Why? You just just disappoint someone’s heart man… :broken_heart::broken_heart:… I am really feeling Sorry for you… When I see someone falling from their streak really makes me cry… :pleading_face::pleading_face: Don’t have words to say…?? Yaar…

Brother you have to Fight Hard, you can’t regret it for your whole life… Just do whatever you can…? Coz the pain after a relapse very Painfull, disgusting🥺…

I want to share a video I watched now, and I literally had tears in my eyes… A guy who gave up Po*n and masturbation at 14 years and now he has a current streak of 1371 days… he is now 18…If he can, why not we…Just watch this… plz… @Awaken_one :pray::pleading_face::pleading_face:

Guys do Watch this video and you will get what I want to say…:pray: