NoFap Challenge for 60 Days 🎯

Dear @TrueMuslim

We try our best

Let do first till 1jun


@TrueMuslim @sk11 I know but that relapse was unintentional anyways now that I have accepted challenge till 1st June. No chance of relapse!! I will stick to it! I’ll be updating my everyday Streak with journey of that day in my status as well to let you guys know. Thanks for motivating. Together we will… Stand strong.

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I’m in


Share your code

And use our code for motivation

Iam in
Highest streak 30days
Current streak 1day
Country IN
Age : 18


Challenge accepted :heavy_check_mark:

Sharing code : elmade
Current streak : 14 days
Age : 21
Gender : M
Location : Bangladesh

No pmo till 1st June
Start Date : 11/05/2020


@josephvt share your code so that we can add each others as companion. @Kaizen @assadi I added you as companion @TrueMuslim @sk11 add them as well. NoFap Challenge till 1st June. Stay confident. Hard is what makes a man!


Here is mine code

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Here is mine code
Highest strike is 25 days

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@assadi Add and update your daily Streak and goal in your status as well. You can take my reference.

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Add me in brother. Sharing code is daaf29


Your code in invalid put write again

@Aslan make leader board and update like this of everyone


Status update: Members leaderboard

  1. Angelo( CHAMP ): 31 days
  2. weir ( RUNNER UP ): 20 days
    3.zackyboey( SECOND RUNNER UP ): 10 days
    4.Tjommel( SECOND RUNNER UP ): 10 days
    5.Ash_Matt( IN LEAD ): 9 days
    6.Yash99( IN LEAD ): 9 days
    7.tryin_to_be_better( CLOSE LEADER ): 8 days
    8.j_( TIER 1 COMPETITOR ): 7 days
    9.Ankur_Chawla( TIER 1 COMPETITOR ): 7 days
    10.CartnetdeBordNF( TIER 1 COMPETITOR ): 7 days
    11 . athkarye( TIER 1 COMPETITOR ): 7 days
    12.Murshid( DEDICATED COMPETITOR ): 2 days
    13.Sutesh( DEDICATED COMPETITOR ): 2 days
    14.The final frontier:

I am seriously thankful for my fellow 30 day nofappers.
P.S. Yes, this challenge is 30 days, but that’s meant to be a launchpad- it will keep extending as you strive towards your goal


@sk11 @Kaizen @josephvt @anon14496424 @babi update your streaks here and also on status

Affirmations (#Copied)

  1. I am the architect of my life I build it’s
    foundation and choose it’s contents.
  2. I am full of energy and overflowing with joy.
  3. I am superior to Negative thoughts.
  4. I have unique and special talents that i utilize
  5. I forgive those who have harmed me in the
    past,and peacefully detach from them.
  6. I posses the qualities to become successful.
  7. I get up every time I fall I never lose I either win or I
  8. I replace bad habits with new and positive ones.
  9. I am in full control of my life and accept all
  10. I overcome any obstacles that gets in the way of
    my dream.
  11. I am constantly evolving towards the person i
    dream to be.
  12. I know life can end at any moment so i make
    every moment count.
  13. I allow myself to be happy and inspire others to
    be happy as well.
  14. I feel every cell in my body vibrating with energy
    and health.
  15. I surround myself with people who help me to
    reach my full potential.
  16. I am always becoming smarter and wiser than
    who i was yesterday.

1. There is no one better to be than myself.
2. I am enough.
3. I get better every single day.
4. I am an amazing person.
5. All of my problems have solutions.
6. Today I am a leader.
7. I forgive myself for my mistakes.
8. My challenges help me grow.
9. I am perfect just the way I am.
10. My mistakes help me learn and grow.
11. Today is going to be a great day.
12. I have courage and confidence.
13. I can control my own happiness.
14. I have people who love and respect me.
15. I stand up for what I believe in.
16. I believe in my goals and dreams.
17. It’s okay not to know everything.
18. Today I choose to think positive.
19. I can get through anything.
20. I can do anything I put my mind to.
21. I give myself permission to make choices.
22. I can do better next time.
23. I have everything I need right now.
24. I am capable of so much.
25. Everything will be okay.
26. I believe in myself.
27. I am proud of myself.
28. I deserve to be happy.
29. I am free to make my own choices.
30. I deserve to be loved.
31. I can make a difference.
32. Today I choose to be confident.
33. I am in charge of my life.
34. I have the power to make my dreams true.
35. I believe in myself and my abilities.
36. Good things are going to come to me.
37. I matter.
38. My confidence grows when I step outside of my comfort zone.
39. My positive thoughts create positive feelings.
40. Today I will walk through my fears.
41. I am open and ready to learn.
42. Every day is a fresh start.
43. If I fall, I will get back up again.
44. I am whole.
45. I only compare myself to myself.
46. I can do anything.
47. It is enough to do my best.
48. I can be anything I want to be.
49. I accept who I am.
50. Today is going to be an awesome day.
51. It’s okay to make mistakes.
52. I am making the right choices.
53. I surround myself with positive people.
54. I am a product of my decisions.
55. I am strong and determined.
56. Today is going to be my day.
57. I have inner beauty.
58. I have inner strength.
59. No matter how hard it is, I can do it.
60. I can live in the moment.
61. I start with a positive mindset.
62. Anything is possible.
63. I radiate positive energy.
64. Wonderful things are going to happen to me.
65. I can take deep breaths.
66. With every breath, I feel stronger.
67. I am an original.
68. I deserve all good things.
69. My success is just around the corner.
71. I am thankful for today.
72. I strive to do my best every day.
73. I’m going to push through.
74. I’ve got this.
75. I can take it one step at a time.
76. I’m working at my own pace.
77. I’m going to take a chance.
78. Today I am going to shine.
79. I am going to get through this.
80. I’m choosing to have an amazing day.
81. I am in control of my emotions.
82. My possibilities are endless.
83. I am calm and relaxed.
84. I am working on myself.
85. I’m prepared to succeed.
86. I am beautiful inside and out.
87. Everything is fine.
88. My voice matters.
89. I accept myself for who I am.
90. I am building my future.
91. I choose to think positively.
92. My happiness is up to me.
93. I’m starting a new chapter today.
94. I trust in my decisions.
95. I can change the world.
96. I am smart.
97. I choose my own attitude.
98. I am important.
99. I am becoming the best version of myself.
100. Today I will spread positivity.
101. The more I let it go, the better I will feel.


Current steak 2days

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@josephvt don’t forget that first accident look on image is fine but even seeing a naked or sexy thumbnail for more than 3 seconds intentionally will also consider a relapse or failure so avoid …a must cold bath or making busy

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Yeah I know brother.

@TrueMuslim my streak 5d