Nofap and Workout

Hey guys!, I’m trying a lot to workout from the last few weeks…but I don’t feel like doing it… Need help!


Begin with small steps…


What does that mean?
Yard work?

Working out typically means lifting weights. More generally we use it to refer to going to a gym.
But, the benefits of exercise are not limited to “weight lifting working out”.

Forget working out. Just exercise.
Go on a hike. Mow the lawn. If you don’t like jogging, try walking for now, to build the habit.
And, just like @FlowForCourage said, start small.

Start small with something you enjoy. Or at least, don’t hate too much, and go from there. Get a little better every day and soon you will have the habit and discipline you will need for whatever kind of working out you decide.

Best of luck, and keep us posted on your progress :muscle:


Just to motivate you brother on exercising. In the past years I tried to go to gym, tried to go jogging. I became quite overweight when I stopped working out. I stopped because I went to university. I had a healthy life before. I was well toned. But when I stopped I gained weight quite rapidly. I got fed up with it and tried to change in the ways I mentioned. But when I worked out, I had friends to do it with. Now when I tried, I was alone and I was not able to keep it up. So gave it another thought. I saved some money and bought an elliptical trainer for home. Now as soon as I arrive home from work I go and do an hour training. At first it was just 20 minutes but I kept adding minutes to it. I also have a rusty old 11kg weight and strarted a few exercise with it too. Now I do it 5-6 times a week and I’m missing it when I don’t. I also started counting calories. I lost 6 kg in the past 9 weeks. I’m still around 120kg, but I already feel better about my body. My goal is 85kg. Do you have a goal for your body? If you want to exercise because you see that many people here do so, than it is a weak motivation. If you have yiur own goal, than you sure will find a way to reach it, and you will find motivation for it. Good luck!


Just show up to something every day and reward yourself for doing that. That’s it. That’s literally it. You wanna build a habit? You don’t have to do anything. Just show the hell up. Every. Single. Damn. Day.

Example : you wanna build a habit of running? Wake up in the morning, drag your ■■■ off from bed, put on running shoes, and get out of the house.
Now, what you do from right this point on is upto your condition, will power and attitude of that day. Do this shit, every, single day, and you’ll automatically go on with the habit, without even having to think about it, exercise will come to you as naturally as breathing.

Also, this. Have a goal. Let’s say you want to hit running 5 kms in a single run in 6 weeks or something. But, that should not be your top priority. Building an exercise HABIT is. For that, all you got to do, is get in the mood, then show up, constantly.
Combine the habit mentality with goal setting. Your first goal : start working out on a daily basis, without even having to think about it. Try out Improvement Pill’s Tamed Course on YT. I’d post a link over here, but my warch time is up. Just go search it up, you’ll get what I mean.


There is an app called 21 days challenge… It helped me a lot so you might want to try that and there are many other challenges … If not it’s an useful app after all😁… Although i do not know about workouts much myself and am lazy AF😔


I just wanna feel better about myself… My next target is to gain 10 kg muscle mass

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Yesterday I did 300 push ups… And did this 5 min workout

Thank you guys!


Bro I think you are overdoing it. 300 pushups a day is a lot of work and that’s why you aren’t consistent with it. When I started working out I did 30 mins full body, 3 times a day. Then I shifted to a push pull routine for 2 hours a day, 4 times a week. Then 6 times a week, 3 hours a day. And now everyday. This progression was stretched over 18 weeks uptill now. Begin with bodyweight full body exercises. I recommend "anabolic aliens " it’s a YouTube channel that I follow. Don’t count reps now. They have follow along workouts. Full body, and all different muscle groups. DM me if you want more help

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Thanks a lot brother!

Today I did 100 push ups, 50 biceps curl(each hand) and 45 shoulder press with 7.5 kg dumbell…

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Day 1 :- 20 pushups 2 sets … 10 mins cardio
Hope to have better life and person with you guys