No space for me in my head šŸ˜ž

Hello all, another topicā€¦

Idk if any of you feel something similar to this.

Iā€™m having problem being around my parents, like donā€™t want their ā€œwell doneā€ or their judgment in anything I do. I Need my inner space, things for myself without them knowing about it.
Feels like everything they know about they have to comment and interven somehow and then its more theirs, not mine, cause they take everything and shape it as they like.

I donā€™t want to be in defense mode as well, so better just have something for myself and completely keep it hidden from them.

I took piano lessons for myself for like 3 months, I was excited about it and got much better and was doing my job. The sec my parents knew I lost all interest and couldnā€™t practice or focus anymore, because now they have an opinion about it. . . .

Every advice is appreciated, and tell me if you feel anything similar. . ā€¦

Iā€™m 24 yo, living with them, cause thatā€™s what we do here. On another side I make little money and all of it goes to essential needs, like university,food transportation, piano. So moving away isnā€™t an option.

They donā€™t like to leave me alone, like in 400 squared metres house, where ever i sit , i canā€™t be alone for 15 minutes, somehow!!!

Yeah I can relate to what youā€™re saying I love my parents but most of the time I donā€™t go to them for advice because the home I grew up in was broken. I also live with my Mom out of personal choice because sheā€™d be alone otherwise and Iā€™m not married yet so I donā€™t see the issue with it even though itā€™s uncommon to do it that way here.

My advice would be to try to talk to them about how you feel, or also disregard their opinion and do things you enjoy anyway. I donā€™t know if they thought it was cool or not that you started playing piano but I think it really shouldnā€™t matter either way, you started playing the piano before they knew about it so no matter what their opinion on it is your reasons are still your own reasons, if that makes sense.

Iā€™ve started long time ago, and they wanted to use it like they ise everything good. They push me to make money from it, wether accompany singers or elseā€¦
But I really wanted it to be for myself. at least keep some of it for myself

You have to stand up for yourself or else they will control you like a robot for the rest of your life
You have to make that decision and never look back
To grow up you must leave the nest

Donā€™t worry buddy even at points Iā€™ve felt this but itā€™s ntng serious you have just got great parents who cares even for ur smallest decision n always wanna check on if u are going right or not

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Can relate with this statement

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