This is an accountability group for everyone who want to take this challenge of no social media for 90 days, if you want to make part of this challenge please drop your sharing code.
The reason I created this challenge is to help our nofap journey by minimizing the potential triggers that might pop up in our mindless daily scrolling.
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Day one
Today I am very calm and more productive, by the time I arrived at home, I took a nap for almost 2 hours and after that I cleaned the house, and then I studied, I did not use social media since the beginning of the day, I used youtube only for studying and important searches, but I did not mindlessly scrolled, so , think I am doing well.
Today I am a little bit more aware and resilient, I did not use social media not even youtube for studying, I studied a subject which didn´t require youtube usage, therefore, it was a little bit easier for me to keep focused and far away from distractions.
yesterday I managed to fall asleep without any electronic device, today I want to keep the rhythm, so that´s all guys see you tomorrow!
Today I am writing this diary a little bit late because I have just arrived, and all day I was out of house.
My day was very busy, because most of my time was spent in the trainning center, and then I went to visit my sister,
Although I feel a little bit tired, I am happy for not having the urge to get a little bit of dopamine from social media. These days I have been trying to relearn how to enjoy life without watching on the screen other people living their lives. See you tomorrow guys!
Today my day was calm, I went to church, and had a good time there
I am a little bit nervous because tomorrow I have a project presentation, and I have to complete the work today.
It´s good to be in this journey, because I am commited to not be distracted and I can peacefully complete my tasks. So , see you tomorrow guys, it was a long day!
My day was very good today, I could take a huge break from work and everything, I took a nap for hours and I interracted with a lot people here on RC but I am noticing that am using RC as a substitute for youtube, because most of my time is spent here and it is not healthy.
because of that I give myself only one hour a day of RC usage. from now on you guys will see me here on 8 pm or 9 pm, I have to use my time wisely. So, for today that´s all.
Today I was off most of the time, and it was very cool to just sit and relax without following the urge to binge on youtube videos or even RC posts which are good but can become bad when you spend hours on it, I took some hours to study database, and I did other things like meditation and bible reading.Generally speaking, I think that I was productive today comparing to other days. So that´s all for today guys see y´all !!
Today I don´t have much to say, because my day was not so productive, and I have to be honest and tell you guys that I gave into the urge to watch youtube today just for entertainment, because I was so stressed due to amount of school projects, but I hope to get back on track tomorrow and keep on my no social media journey, see you tomorrow guys!
I am going to be honest to you guys, it´s very difficult to be offline when you live alone and have no friends bro, I know it may sound as an excuse but it is indeed challenging, and I have to confess to you all that I failed my mission again, it is now the second day that I am binging on youtube videos , and today I saw a video with girls poorly dressed and dancing , I feel very bad for this man !!
Through the whole day I was feeling a void in my heart, and after watching many videos I felt exhausted so I decided to take a break to do my daily bible reading, and that void and nothingness that I was feeling went away after I finished my reading, and I realised that God is the only one capable of giving me real joy and peace, I realised that my heart belongs to him. Tomorrow I am gonna try to keep on my no social media journey , please guys pray for me it is not easy!!