No sex drive and porn

How ye lads and ladies I have a question I have a dead penis but I can get going with porn but it doesnt do much after that but this only happened when I hit porn hard about 10 yrs ago but I want to know if anyone else has this problem or can it be a cause of low testosterone as well, but if I try and get an erection without porn it’s really hard or it wont be a full one or staying hard for long is it a case that porn has really fucked me and I need to get away from it fucking up my life even more or is It a cause of low testosterone as well

I guess it can be PIED. If that’s the case It’s common.
I never had this issue so i haven’t researched about it. Hopefully others will jump in & share you information. Meanwhile you can google e.g. ‘PIED nofap’


If its low test, have u had your bloods checked?

It does happen quite a lot for men.

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Very sorry to hear brother.

You’ve answered your question. This is a classic case of ■■■■ induced erectile dysfunction. Your brain has become wired to only experience arousal from watching pornography. There is only one cure. Complete abstinence from watching pornography. You have to leave it behind for good.

Do some research into this condition yourself. I highly recommend the book Your Brain on ■■■■. I’ve written a summary of the book here which can get you started.

The bad news is you have really damaged your sexual health through your pornography use. You’ll need to leave your penis alone for the next few months. Depending on the severity of your addiction, that could be 6 months of complete abstinence from pornography, masturbation or sexual activity, however many people recover after 3 months.

The good news is that your sexual health problems are not physical - it’s not broken, and you don’t have some low testosterone issue. You just need to stop watching pornography and masturbating. Even a five second peek will delay your recovery - all of it is toxic for you. Leave it behind completely, and you will see a return to health in 2020.

Best of success to you brother.


Brother, @Forerunner is right in this instance. I have suffered similar problems in the past. Excessive amount of P has fried your neural circuits and has led to PIED. Harden you willpower and put a complete stop on all PM & O. Slowly but gradually you will start to recover.
I would suggest meditation and yoga for speedy recovery and some exercises will help too if you want to.
All the best to you.


P is a powerful devastating thing, people don’t know what they do to themselves.


@ERNOL it has long lasting effects and once it’s set in the brain… it’s very very hard to quit.
I have been addicted to the point where every time I open my browser, my hands would automatically type those words and it’d take a moment for me to realise that wth am I doing? Seriously…! ! It grasps our subconscious so much that I couldn’t even see a way out. I’m still fighting it very much and will continue to do so in the coming year

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As long as you fight, there will be solution. All the best.

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I need to just do it and stop breaking its gets lonely on this road after awhile cause you cant really talk about it and you lose any kind of relationship that comes your way, thanks guys

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