Sharing code - tn1ii4

Current streak - 78 days.
Highest streak - 78 days and counting.
Age - 19
Gender - M
Location - INDIA

Welcome fellow TITANS. Join this Challenge only if you are dead serious. This is not for a boy, who says I won’t fap this month and before one week ends goes back to the old routine. This is for a man who has decided there is no going back. A man who says one thing and follow through no matter what! A man who’ll choose death instead of living a fake life.

This is not a Challenge. This is a life style. A life style in which we stay loyal to ourselves. Not to our friends. Not to our family or brothers. If a man promise one thing and do something else, what is the use of his existence?

Mahatma Gandhi said:

If you feel an urge and decide to fap think for a second what this great man said. What is the use of living by forfeiting your manhood?
I promise here, I’ll choose death instead of going back to ■■■■!

Rules of the Challenge are same as the last one. For this whole month we won’t fap. If we relapse we text someone in our family and upload the screen shot of that message in this forum. As I said before, the aim of this Challenge is to close all the doors of going back. If we promise and then we relapse it means that we are not strong enough to take our own responsibility and we should seek help. It is that simple. So join this challenge, if you have faith. TRUST ME, YOU CAN DO THIS BROTHERS.

BEASTMODE :muscle::muscle::muscle:



  1. _TIGER 20M :india: (uv0i08) 70d
  2. Kaito Kid 19M (4d)
  3. Deadpoolgupta 16M :india: (od7ore) 8d
  4. Selfconqurer 24M :india: (hbfj3h) 64d
  5. JumpingBuddha 28M (s1jc5f) 31d
  6. aapoorv75 23M (af92095) 75d
  7. Adulrakha 21M ( 7uhdi0 ) 75d
  8. HappySoul 21M :india: (5x6e28) 50d
  9. Hensmkekdmrme (soiz0d)12hrs
  10. Hoaxboy 21M :india: (kozg26) 66d
  11. TheNofap_King 16 M :india: (oki7gu) 13 d
  12. Rezboy247 16M :us: (whxe2l) 4d
  13. Comingclean 23F EU (sev3i3) 1d
  14. Einzelganger 21M :argentina: (uxriod) 25d
  15. Pingpong1 20M :india: (q2wnau) 30d
  16. Tagore 19M :india: (tn1ii4) 95d
  17. AfrinTheCharismaticGuy 23M :india: (jguyv9)10d
  18. Chhava 23M :india: (87berl) 40d
  19. Attempt_Two_Electric_Boogaloo 18M :netherlands: (kii4x0) 7d
  20. Richard21 21M :india: (75m1ry) 100d
  21. Brahmachari_17 17M :india:(vt9fry) 142d
  22. EvilMorty 23M :india:(uhjclh) 31d
  23. Ejpulver22M :us: (07ef6c) 20d

A Golden Chance to Stand Out in the rotting World.


Count me in @Tagore
I’ll add myself when im free


Let’s do this, game on

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Hi friends,
I am also joining it.
Thanks a lot.

Sharing code- s1jc5f

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Add Yourself in the scoreboard

I wrote my name in rank 1 . :sweat_smile: I like this. I don’t want any number. :grin::grin:

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@anon98741803 brother in scoreboard write you sharing code please.


Successfully completed May and June, now onto July. Lets go!!!
Nofapforever :fist:


I’m in
Sharing code: soiz0d
Gender: male
Let’s do this :relieved::crossed_fingers:

Im not using app these days. So…

I’m willing to join. I’m clean in July and will remain as that.
My code: 9a70e4

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After successful June it’s time to take over July.

Pls add me @Tagore bro.
My Current Streak: 26 days.
34 M Oman. :oman:
Code: wtow0i

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Hello Brother @Tagore
Please Note I Have Added myself On The List For July - Lets Do This.

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We’ll do this together men with legendary mindset. We don’t want any average men in this Challenge. Only courageous titans who have no option but success!!!



I won’t be active everyday brothers. But keep this Challenge active. Whenever I come I’ll give help and motivation. Living an average is the worst thing any man can do to himself.


images (8)


Can I still join you guys ?