New member, help

Hello everyone, I’m new member here and i wish we can help each other
Can anyone give me some advice about how to use forum because i don’t know a lot about this type of connection…!

Hi buddy,
Welcome to RCF ( Rewire Companion Forum )
Well, I just created a topic for answering questions but I will answer yours here:
In Rewire companion forum you can:
Introduce yourself here
Make a general discussion regarding PMO or how to use this app.
Make a diary where you can write about your streak of Nofap, your tasks or new habits, your dreams and desires daily…
Create a challenge: it could be a productive one ( all ready made ), a stress management one ( all ready made ), a month challenge ( like July or any other month ), etc…
Find a companion: find a companion that you could challenge for a streak, chat with him, watch his progress, etc
If you need advice: don’t hesitate and ask right away
Stories: you finished 30 days streak?
Tell your friends. Finished your goal?
Tell your friends about your experience.
You could also reply and like posts that other people publish
You could modify your photo, write a little about yourself.


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