New and Guidance, ED. Thank you

Pretty new to this but need opinions. I was on 3 week Streak and masturbated but not with Porn. Does this count as a relapse. I’m going through with this NoFap to rid of my ED and weird Porn induced fetishes. Also can anyone who had suffered from ED shed any light on this aspect.

Thanks and look forward to the benefits of this.

I don’t have ED, but I have experienced “weak” erections during intercourse. Based on my own experience there is a direct correlation between not touching myself AT ALL and pleasant erections/intercourse. I have noticed a significant difference around the 3rd day forward on hard mode. I have also noticed that if I roam on social media and actively look for material, it will play against me. My best advice to you is to go on hard mode, especially given that you experience ED.

Edit: Also, the no porn thing I think it’s a good step if you’re currently unable to go hard mode.

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Definitely dude. I think the hard mode is the way to go with this from what you’ve said. Going to go at this No Touching and No Porn. I’ve been on these sildenafil tablets before sex and work amazing in terms of being solid but I’d like to get to the stage of seeing Escorts without the tablets.