Nerbo's Diary : Life as it passes by

Such confidence from an imbecile brat like you!!! Wake up to reality, Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed World.

I won the last time and will win this time too. :grin:


I really don’t remember clearly, when was the last time that I read a book cover-to-cover. Perhaps, the last book was Christopher Marlowe’s play The Jew of Malta. After a long time finished reading another great book- Tuesdays with Morrie.

The writer takes us on a journey to look at life from the perspective of a dying person. For those who would like to read the book later on, I am not cracking the crux of the book, but it really tells about life from the perspective of relation building and the bonds of care and concern. How important it is to keep telling the people who contribute positively in your life that you value them! How many times we neglect or take for granted, a good friend, a loyal companion, a helping classmate, a great teacher, loving siblings and the most generous blessing from the almighty, our parents!

The book lets you view life from the Pause perspective. Not viewing life as a hustle, as a race or a rush and rather as a gradual movement towards perfection as a better human being, compassionate, caring and capable of giving to the loved ones around you.

A daily question, if today is the last day of your life, how will you answer it, opens some locks of understanding life as a long, holistic and yet limited experience. I still know that many of the ideas in the book were already thought out by me and it was only an encounter with the textual from of that idea. It feels good that people still think from a Pause perspective. A perspective that values love, care and compassion. A perspective that allows us to feel as a human again in a cruel, unkind, materialistic world. The idea is rudimentary and yet important, common and yet neglected. The book must be read even if you rush through it, a revision of the idea of care is worth it and almost always needed.

Nevertheless, the humble achievement of having finished reading a book after a long time remains the major highlight of my day. And I am indeed looking forward to carrying this momentum ahead to more serious and critical stuff as I pick up On Palestine next authored by Ilan Pappe and Noam Chomsky (the greatest academician alive on Earth) about the atrocities of Israel, its foundation as an illegal state as a prime example of settler colonialism and how it keeps expanding with the help of US hegemony and intervention.

I might share a link of the book review of this book, and the others that I will read in the future.


When you hit a productive phase, just don’t let it go like that. Read, exercise, stretch, move and do everything you want to do. Life is short and it will end in a blink, leaving regrets behind. Make sure you have fewer of them to deal with.


The Challenge is out for you all to join in. It was a difficult challenge to be curated. But finally it is out.


Hello everyone, how are you? Sometimes I remember the challenge we participated in, and it was a very special time for me. I achieved a streak of 180 days, then I relapsed, but soon I achieved another streak of 175 days. Currently, I’m at 9 days. It has always been about carrying on the legacy of the Uchica in all my streaks.


The challenge will soon be live again on its anniversary. Hope to see you again. @kazim.09 and we all miss you too. The Naruto Challenge will launch soon. :heart:


Urge surfing is fun!!!

Wooohooooo. Yeaaaaah. :surfing_man::ocean::ocean::ocean::ocean:

Nooo. Noo, noo. I won’t peek. I won’t touch. I am done with these cheap shots that you play upon me. Urges, listen up! Your face has been busted open by the punches of my constant denial. You are bleeding to death. You will die. You know it has been 30 days. 30 DAYS. 30 DAMN DAYS! And you have not won even once. You are dying and you know it. What? You wanna beg life for yourself, at my cost? I am sorry. It can no longer happen. Bring me the thought of the most beautiful girl and I will smash it on the wall. Bring me the most obscene imaginations and I will fling them out of the window. Take me into the fantasy brothels, and I will walk out pure. Nothing can affect me. I will enjoy, watching you die. Sipping tea, with my legs stretched on the couch, enjoying the time with my family and friends, watching you die slowly, as you gasp for breath, as your blood paints the floor, every drop that drips from your evil heart brightens up my face. I have no mercy in my eyes.
You took away my spirit.
You took away my youth.
You took away my energy.
You took away my confidence.
You took away my happiness.
You took away my peace.
You took away my love.
You took away my self-respect.
You took away my health.
You took away my beauty.



I know it is you. I know you. I can hear you. I can see you. You won’t win. I will. Not today. Not tomorrow. You will never win.

I will keep surfing, with a smile. I will dance on your grave and smile at your funeral. Die!


@Nerbo Well said buddy, smash it that much hard that her face would be unrecognisable. :wink:


He should do it with an IRL girl :skull_and_crossbones:


Calmly introduces Domestic Violence :speaking_head:


If urges be a sadist torturous wife, let there be domestic violence; because a reply to violence, overt violence, is not violence at all rather resistance, a struggle for your own life.


@Nerbo @Loading @prince_king be like -


From Three Zero to three zeroes (thousand days), the journey is long but it will surely be accomplished.


These are some strong urges today. The reason is the sexual and sensuous talks that my friends were having today in the staff room. They were talking about their experiences with escorts and prostitutes. My error was that I stayed in the room. All those talks are now creating their effects on my mind. I know I shouldn’t bother myself with these thoughts. I am too tired and will probably fall asleep soon. If it doesn’t come naturally, I will pick something up to read.


No, you won’t win. I will. I will regain all control of my life. I will snatch my life out of your filthy hands. And the way that I will do this is not by pulling it helplessly from your hands, rather with a big knife, I will cut your hands apart. And I will do this slowly, very slowly, hearing you scream, my dear Urge, every scream as you let go of my life, as your poisonous claws come out of my flesh and your filthy hands are off my skin. I will cut your hands off, first from the wrists, then by the elbow and finally, pluck out the arms from the joint of your shoulders. I will give you such a message that you will never cross my path again.


I won against them.

It was a two hour long battle and I walked out alive.


Feeling an urge is like feeling your skin burn from the outside. It is constantly all around you. Every part of your body screaming for that ONE GOOD Feel. That shot of heroine, that drug dosage. The mad insane cry of the body. You can feel the heat of the urge in the very fingertips. This is why sometimes in our initial phases the body is hard to control because it is such an overwhelming feel that we will feel good after doing it. It takes time to see through this apparent joy and observe the chaos that it brings.

In the name of a good healthy body.
In the name of a good healthy mind.
In the name of a pure and pious soul.

RESIST, RESIST and let go of all the tension in the muscles. Tell your body, we don’t want it. We want it no more. Absolutely, no more. Relax. Take a deep breath. No thought of girls. No worrying about them. No chasing after imaginations. It is not a need at all. Just an illusion. The body will itself fulfil its desires. The semen is a source of energy. It will be reabsorbed. It will give a huge burst of energy.

I want that energy. I want that strength.

I want to be the Man I always wanted to be. :fire:


Thanks for this timely reminder Man. Love you for this one. It did make the struggle easier. I want to rip apart all these urges. :fire:


Temptations are temporary :shamrock: :muscle:t2: well done :mending_heart: