Hi, I suppose that there is a concrete possibility that during this new globalization the Neo-liberalism associated with the market capitalism just swithched between the Terror politics of social caos politics to the “Control through addiction politics”(Porn,Social Networks,Smartphones…) of de-socialization, using the tecnology as an instrument for this goal. Do you wanna share with me what do you think about this? even mailing me privatly if you prefer but would be very interesting to discuss this theme with someone.
How did you find this concept ?
Which president/country is using it ?
Well, I believe people are being influenced through these mediums. It is pathetic to see how a huge chunk of population thinks that everything on Internet is true regardless of its source. This time of manipulating people through Social media should be governed. How to run the world is based on the Ideologies of a few top executives at Silicon valley. Any change in the society is possible with the help of these medium. Unfortunately these executives are catering to capitalism. We need a better governance to fix this issue and the decision making of the which algorithm should be used has to go through govt committees of experts.
Moreover the people who visit the internet should atleast go through some basic training that focuses of teaching people of Identifying false news and a test of critical thinking in which the person has to score minimum standard score. And according to those scores the algorithms should be made that shows results on the basis of the score they got.
In an utopian world i hope to abandon every social media
Almost everyone is using it, politicians, corporation etc, regardless whatever country you belong.
I genuinely feel this is real. I just have this feeling, I cannot prove it or cite any sources.
Look at NetFlix.
Look at Facebook.
Look at Instagram.
Look at PUBG (I’m grateful it is banned in our country)
Look at YouTube.
And, last, but not the least, look at fucking porn.
Every single one of these platforms feed on people’s addiction. So, is it a coincidence that they are as instantly gratifying as possible and just designed to be as addictive as possible?
It’s not just that, it has become the new social norm. Like, all people talk about are others’ Insta posts, what show they are bingeing on NetFlix. When I hear all that shit I’m genuinely weirded out. All this just doesnt seem natural to me.
It is neo-liberal globalization. It is no more about president and country, I don’t think presidents decide much about their nation nowadays, more likely they are chosen from transnational institutions. I have a little knowledge about this theme becouse I’m studying political economy for a university course. My supposition is based on this work https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/11170822.pdf
All created to generate addiction. Addiction=more usage time=more data=markenting profiling very accurate=more sells=more profit=more power and an unbeatable monopoly. Just to tell you more I am passionate about tecnology and I know that your smartphone even without any connection can still comunicate through your speakers emitting ultrasounds and sharing infos with tvs, other phones ecc., infos associated with your position, friends near you… when you see an AD while watching tvs it sends to your device through ultrasounds infos about what are you watching… the sad thing is that everyone can inform himself just using google browser (for now) but no one cares. No one is hiding anything and all is clear and visible from empiric research… but what will happen if the process of this new glob. will continue like this? The free trade is good and data support this but this glob. is destroying social interactions and enhancing poverty and inequality. It should be a lot more regulated and I have little knowledge about this matter but I know it can’t keep going like this, every right is or will be lost in favor of the market that “can provide it more efficiently”(=more profit becouse monopoly isn’t efficint by definition)… eg take the privacy nowadays…
Thats wow idea:nerd_face: I agree on training people
Yes, agree but… gov don’t understand algoririthms, infact they are unable to act on these things first of all becouse of a lack of knowledge and preparation; second becouse of old structures and models and in the end they are cutted off by thi neolib glob. becouse of the dogma “the market is more efficient” and becouse the evolution of tech can’t be “inefficiently stopped” to wait until that counter-monopoly measures and regulations are applied. I know only few things and with my little knowledge maybe I’m missing something or I’m saying things in a wrong way but in the end thats what I think its happening now
Lol. They don’t want to until there is a socio-economic crisis. I admire the European union for levying hefty fines on tech giants for privacy issues. I wish the US, which is sold to capitalism, would be more like this.
As I mentioned earlier, people can’t even make basic decisions by themselves such as which shows he wants to watch what type of dress he should wear. Everything is influenced by these corporations.
Unless there are stringent governing authorities and heavy fines on even smaller mistakes there is no hope for the good of the people. These corporate billionaire bastards would be even making money off of human Corpses in the name of “Making the world a better place”.
Its a sad reality of today! I would love to discuss this with you over mail…after my exams …
This is clearly an obstacle of the society as it approaches the incomprehensible perfection of it. At the very least, acknowledging this obstacle is a step needed to be undergone for the society to continue approaching its perfection.