It’ s been almost 3 months i quit no fap; i was fapping dayly some days even 4 times, what should i do i m desperate i see people having my age getting married and me i can not because i suffer from premature ejaculation and erectal desfunction, please help …
Add me my code is : 7b7251
NoFap is the solution man. I am sorry to say, the only thing I can tell you is NOFAP AS LONG AS YOU CAN AND WHEN YOU CANT WELL START AGAIN AND AGAIN. Honestly you can learn much about strategies to avoid relapses and all this kind of thing here, but do not forget the most important : NoFap is what will solve your problem. No one can do this but yourself man. You just have to pick yourself up and go on a streak so high that you don’t even know the number and then you will be happy.
Good luck man and KEEP FAITH IN YOURSELF
I would advise you to take the help of a qualified and understanding professional in the field of sexual health, along with doing NoFap. Don’t waste your time man… If you are aware of your issues then get help now and find the solution to your problems so that you can move onwards in life. You also need emotional guidance and reassurance which a competent professional will be able to provide.
Stand up soldier, its not over yet. They cant have us… we have to fight now with all life on the line…
You cant give up… the bliss is waiting for you.
Enough time wasted…
Stand up soldier.
Join our hands… we must rise together… from slaves to gods
Claim your throne, you are a God… not less than anyone. Equal & Strong.
You have to keep on trying again & again … like your life depands on nofap… then only you will rise like a champion.