Need advice about workout

which time is good for workout (morning,evening or night ) ?

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Any time with your convenience. Like I prefer midnight.


Evening definitely… It helps you sleeps well tok

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I prefer afternoon, but morning is also nice. I prefer unwinding at night, doing things like reading and journaling. It’s all personal preference! :slight_smile:

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It was sarcasm or for real ?

2 pull up at midnight.


Lol :joy:
Morning i feel hungry…so afternoon or evening is best for me.

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Bruh :moyai::moyai::moyai:



:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Good joke
But do you really only do 2 pullups for workout? Nothing else?

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Well the best time is evening. Because on that time our brain can release more dopamine.

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Sometimes 1 squat if I’m in good mood.

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Bruh :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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For me morning is the best because I need to do things in an importance order. So first things first. However studies show that best time (strenght based) to workout is night but you will have just 5% more performance in your workout so not that much. You should choose the best time that works for you to stay consistent in your training.


He’s not wrong. I did one crunch last midnight. Now i have ripped abs


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