Need a companion(day 1)

Hey everyone hope you are having a good day i need a day 1 companion so we can start together and maybe reach day 90(i hope) and god bless


Hey add me. My sharing code is b95f91. Current streak 2 days. Lets fight together. What’s your sharing code so I can add you too.

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Hey bro here you go 4d2092

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Please add me too . Looking for companion


Current streak 4 days max streak 87 days


You can add me 4fcb57

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Add me bro code is: cb1499

Let’s get through this together

Got you bro lets do this

Hey, I’m on day 0. Add me: bed093

Hello guys! I’d like to join in. I just installed the app like an hour ago, so yeah, I’m very much DAY 0…
Code is d77a23.


Welcome to the app il add you

Add me too my sharing code is 76ba8c.

99ba0b add me bro day 1 lets do this

Add me bro its my day 2

hi champions i wanna join this match i am in day one and just join this app
my code is fd0cb4
please add me too

hello guys. here is my code

Iam proud of everyone here and for those who relapsed we can make it its never the end lets do this guys


Please add me. Feel free to pm.
Current streak : 5 days
Longest streak : 9 days

Added you any relapse iam gonna pm you but i hope there are none much love

601c35 is my companion no.

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I relapsed last night.