Need a companion. 30 Day Detox

Looking for a Christian male who is serious about stopping. Going to use Matt Fradd 30 day p*** detox. Im dead serious about kicking this addiction’s behind. It’s time to stop. Are you with me?

Sharing code - r12sgv

Current streak - 0 days
Highest streak - 14 days (before i used the app)
Age - 19
Gender - M
Location - US

Why I want a companion - Ive tried so many times to stop p*** and I need to finally do it. Having a companion will motivate and push me. I’ve had some partners in the past but they have dropped out on me. I’m trying one more time.This is it.

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No need to be overly Christian as long as you’re ready to stop conepletely!
Here’s the link to what im using on this. Ill be posting every day with my answers to the prompts and how im doing.

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Lets get started i am starting today

DAY 1: Why are you Here?

  1. What do you like about PMO?
  2. What do you dislike about PMO?
  3. How does PMO impact your current or past relationships?
  4. What makes you think you need to change?
  5. If you continue down the PMO road, where will you be in 5 years?
  6. If you work to quit comepletely, where will you be in 5 years?

I think the biggest thing for me is that PMO poisons my relationships with everyone (nkt just women) because it tells me that everyone is more of an object that can be used as a tool for my own delight. I start looking at every man like a competition and every woman as an objective, not a person. Thats why i want to stop. I really do love some people in my life, and i wnat to be able to love them.

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Hey! Realized I’m a day behind. Heres
DAY 2: Accountability

  1. Do you have an ally? Yes! Thats Stormfighter, but also this community. Ill be keeping a diary and hope it works well.
  2. What has ahappened when you tried to go it alone?
    I usually go a week or two, and then comepletelg fall apart and relapse badly. My fight begins to lessen and then i put off the idea of fighting PMO.
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Hi there. I’m also looking for an accountability companion. I dislike PMO for several reasons. The ■■■■ industry itself is very exploitative, and engaging in PMO makes me feel less connected to God and other people. I am not proud of myself when I engage in PMO. It’s not a characteristic of the type of person I would like to be. I just joined this app, and I plan to post a brief update each day.

Welcome to the fight, Peacetrain. I hope you are able to find sobriety. I post in the diary section, so feel free to check it out and even start one of your own if you think it’s best. I have already found great consolation in some of the support from other warriors against PMO.

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