Navy Seal Training Challenge -Target 90 days-

I am checking when I get time

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Day 13 completed,feeling a little weak …But spirit remains unconquered…

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OK :joy: then it’s fine… So u were joking. :joy:

Endure, the fog will lift soon.

OK bro.

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Alright man, thanks for telling me.

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A complete post on Brain Fog and its cure. U may need 5 to 10 mins to read

Click below :point_down: to open full post


To cure brain fog,
Continue nofap, sleep at least 7 hrs, nap in afternoon, drink water, meditate, relax and don’t stress, exercise, declutter your environment, solve some puzzle or do brain training exercise.


@NeverGiveup420 I slipped up last night so this is the bigining of a new journey for me. I will check in from tomorrow morning once I reach 1 day :muscle:


Succesfully completed 7 days this is my highest streak in 3 months



Day 05 Ok ( I’m reporting late)

It’s been a really rough night, and I’m feeling a lot of sexual energy, but I can’t miss the benefits.


What’s the task for today?

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Name - mphexpert
Sharing code - idqwz6
Longest streak = 35 days
Current = just relapsed

Glad to see a challenge like this. I’ve been trying to quit for 2 years now. I need to spark something

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Day 3 daily check in :memo:

:white_check_mark: :sleeping_bed: Slept on the floor
:white_check_mark: Woke up early :sunrise_over_mountains: at 4:30am :clock430:
:white_check_mark: Push ups x133 reps :muscle:
:white_check_mark: Dips x15 reps :muscle:
:white_check_mark: Belly crunches x50 reps :muscle:
:white_check_mark: Cold shower :droplet::snowflake: :shower:
:white_check_mark: Pranayam
:white_check_mark: Meditation 7 chakras :man_in_lotus_position:
:white_check_mark: Affirmations
:white_check_mark: Pull ups x4 reps with bags on back :school_satchel:


Highest Streak 12 Days
Current Streak 1 day

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No triggeresβœ…
Motivational Video :white_check_mark:
School work :white_check_mark:
I’m still very sick I’m not able to do alot but I will still do my best to get something done and mark it down. Keep it up you guysπŸ’ͺ

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Thanks man. This will be helpful.

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@textmr03 you should also join this challenge … Become strong

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@Divyansh1234 today’s task



Learn to surf the urge. Focus on how it feels in your body. The sensation in the body, in the brain. What does it want. You will learn it has no language. It says nothing. It is us who give it words. Urge doesn’t mean we have to relapse. Urge is just a body sensation. It has no power over our decisions if we learn to be aware of it. Observe the urge with unbreakable mind and will. Soon the urge will pass. Relax and be happy. You didn’t relapse. You are a champion. Now you are happy and motivated, had you relapsed things would have been totally opposite.

Research suggest that doing this decreases the activation of reward circuit in the brain and increases activity of prefrontal cortex ( part that is responsible for logic, focus and willpower).

This technique can be applied to control any urge, sexual, anger, procrastination, or any urge that lead to any decision. TRY TO LEARN TO SURF THE URGE. THIS IS REALLY THE KEY TO NOPMO and yesLIFE.


@NeverGiveup420 thanks for sharing such useful knowledge Bhai I just love learning new things each and every single day. Thank you :smile:


Check in Day 7

A day that counts. Alhamdulillah. Everyday in everyway I’m getting better and better.


I need to sleep on time and offer Fajr in masjid.

Tips of the Day again(same, need to practice)

Learn to surf the urge. Any and all Urges. Observe first. Then think. Then react. Be self aware.

While working had, say to yourself you love it. Soon it will be rewarding working hard by associating dopamine with effort and not just end result / reward.

Wake up at same time, go out in sunlight for 10 min, drink coffee after 90 mins.

If you lack focus, don’t drying tea… Just take deep breaths 23 to 30 with 2 sec deep inhales and short exhales and then exhale all your air… Then hold your breath for 40 sec.

Daily Tasks

Meditation :white_check_mark:
Watched motivational video :white_check_mark:
Quran Translation :white_check_mark:
Study/ Worked today :white_check_mark:
After lunch nap 30 mins :white_check_mark:
Exercise :white_check_mark:
1 hr 30 mins approx. Jogged 3.3 kms. 30 assisted pullups, 30 assisted chinups, 45 crunches, 90 sit-ups. Sparring in martial arts.
No triggers from screen :white_check_mark:
Daily task :white_check_mark:
Namaz :white_check_mark: 4 in masjid
Diet Control :white_check_mark: