I remember it quite vividly, me lying on my bed one afternoon facing the ceiling with my android phone in my right hand. I had been trying to quite porn on and off for some time now, but something was different this particular afternoon. I had started experiencing some "certain" homosexual tendencies. Recently, when i masturbated i would sometimes feel some sensations in my butt! Hmmm... It wasnt funny at all! I had tried repelling and fighting these feelings inwardly but they didn't seem to be working much. If I remember correctly, being raised a "christian" I may had even tried rebuking the "spirit" in Jesus' Name, but this only caused a sharp periodic seizure and then a swift return of these "sensation". As I laid on my bed this afternoon I just blurted out "Jesus save me" but nothing happened! So I just continued using my phone and all. Fast forward some weeks later, I was told by my parents to attend the Bible school in Church, I had an epileptic attendance in Church so this Bible school was
NOT in my timetable but my parents and sisters were insistent but I wasnt going down easy. The final straw to my defeat came when I learnt that a buddy of mine was also going to be attending so I thought to myself that it might be fun. Ohh boy... there were times I stopped watching raw porn and started only watching porn from you know.... some Hollywood movies and all. I started doing this but couldn't stop it all but it only lead me into watching more and more sexual movies but this time with all the storylines which only strengthened it all in me. At the long run during the Bible school, I cant say when exactly it started but I found myself enjoying the school, the classes were funny, I made a new friend, I was learning stuff I never knew before like how man is from God and is supposed to be His "wife" and all that weird but familiar stuff. I started enjoying it and one afternoon on my bed, I just felt to accept Jesus, Jesus wasn't weird to me at all, I mean I heard a christian-ish background, It wasnt the first time i had asked him to be my "lord and Saviour"(Thats what we are told to call him). But this time was different, I actually wanted him to come into my life, I knew him now! I will just be sincere with you, I am not a Church-boy, I was an academic, I was already hitting A's in all my exams, best student in school and the head prefect in my school. I was the envy of many, "boyfriend" of many, enemy of many too, I wasnt so much the school's bad boy( as i said I had a Churchhhy background) but I would call myself a "very-good-bad-boy". I didnt need a Jesus, but after graduation from secondary school at age 16, I thought to my self one day, "i will soon be 18 and still have this masturbation and porn thing on me, I dont want to be an adult and still be doing this stuff, still be hiding to watch to porn, still be hiding to masturbate in secret (and weirdly sometimes in open places)". "I needed to stop all this", I said to myself but it didnt quite turn out the way I expected I had to struggle for another year till when I resorted to Jesus and guess what? I am currently running three years of absolute freedom from and a=form of porn and no place for masturbation, dont get me twisted though I am still a human being I do still get sexual urges but
I AM NOT STRUGGLING. Ever since I made that weird decision and knelt down by my bed-side to follow this "Jesus" and to learn from Him how to basically live my life, I cant remember the last day I had to close my door because I didnt want anybody to see me masturbate as a matter o f fact, I now only close my door either because of disturbances or because I want to pray. In conclusion (drumroll please...) I now have a clean room, i'm using a clean phone, Im wearing a clean shorts(It should be clean, i've only worn it 2 days now), but seriously i'm now learning how to code something i tried before whle I was masturbating and quite becuase I lacked motivation. I am 20 years old, I dont have filthy thoughts when i see women, truth is mosttimes i dont even notice them, I am too engaged with my new life. You see, Its not religion,
If you liked the sound of all this why not try what I did, just say withn me " Jesus-Save-Me". see, simple, that wasnt so hard. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. If there's anything i've learnt since I started my relationship is that there is nothing He wont do for me, because He Loves, i know this.... but im not there yet, i still have doubts and issues that I need to fix with Jesus but this is simply my testimony! If you want what i've got, why not also do the bed-side prayer thing and ask this "Jesus" to take your porn-filled life, use it, make it better and to teach you how to use your life.( after this prayer you will probably not feel anything so new but he cant help except you let him)."Say I believe you died for me and you are alive today, I ask you to take-over my life". I know its weird, because I cant see him and all but
I CAN see my life! I am learning that there s a desire in us all of us for God which can be wrongly channeled to other "fun" things like porn, drugs, women(you wish...haha). If you have done this just sit back and let Him take over. Light-Camera-Action! Thank you for reading. Feel free to chat me up
Praise God hallelujah. I’m happy for you and the amazing experience you had. Everything you say is true, Jesus is the only one who can truly heal, deliver and restore a person.
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