My last post in this community ever

As the title suggests, this is my last post in this community. I just want to say something to you guys.

For the past few days I have been struggling with PMO problems. I tried many methods but still none were working for me. Even my own techniques backfired me. So

I have decided to delete my account. I have asked our respected admin @debellator personally to delete my account. I have decided to take a long break. I will figure out gradually on how to beat this addiction.

For now I am going into ghost mode. I don’t blame the community but nothing is working out for me. I will miss many members here but it’s time for me to delete my account.

Just wanted to let you guys.

Bye friends.
In future, I may come back with new account or maybe not.
Pain [Signing out]


I don’t know if you will be helped by this or not but listen.

Every successful member in the RC wields double swords. Many members here, including the past ‘me’, kept failing because we thought there was something magical in this community itself which protects people from fapping. I thought updating my progress, writing about success and internalising the benefits will make me invincible against this addiction. Making more powerful commitments, using more passionate words in my vows and swearing by all that was dear to me, couldn’t stop my addiction. Of course, how could it do so!

Drunkards, drug addicts and gamblers, all love their families, their sanity and their lives but addiction is something that alters your brain’s mechanism. Every single organ has a memory. Your skin especially has a tendency to ask and demand for a touch that seems pleasurable to brain. That is why Touching in your anti-PMO struggle is a crime that is definitely punished. Just like your stomach wants fulfilling meal, your tongue demands chocolate, your ears want music and your nose wants perfume, your skin wants pleasing touches. Sometimes we feed wrong memories in our organs, like nail biting. At one time, I had this habit of pulling out my hairs from my head two to three at a time just to see how long they were. Slowly it became a habit, I started randomly pulling out tufts of hairs, not just from my head but from legs and arms. There appeared pain in this pleasure. But certainly an insight about hair fall and skin blisters made me realise my madness and I stopped. Same it is with nail biting.

However due to sexual linkages, the memory of THE PART WHICH MUST NOT BE NAMED remains super strong. Coupled with the pleasure of ejaculation, it becomes a deadly combo. Add to it stimulating pixels and we are doomed.

Now listen. All members of the RC community who have succeeded after coming to RC succeeded not because we got good friends, motivation or soothing talks, but because we got valuable information about the working of this system. Of course, the challenges are merely an awarding system, and in my view, you should NEVER participate in a challenge if you are not sure of winning it. Because once you lose the challenge, you are left more devastated in comparison to a normal relapse. Challenges motivate those who know the truth of PMO and helps in keeping their minds at the rewards and making the whole survival into a game. It keeps you happy and makes sure you never feel like going back to the old state again.

However, if you do not absorb books like EasyPeasy, if you do not learn from your mistakes, if you do not internalize the knowledge about PMO’s worthless nature and if you do not look yourself as a man who is no longer an addict, then you will keep going back, no matter how many good people you surround yourself with. For me, you, and many others are like friends with whom I can have fun and we can celebrate this Freedom. This community will be the future birthplace of a big anti-■■■■ movement that is already in the launch mode. We are fellow soldiers. We are the future flagbearers who will destroy this Global Villain and will protect our future generations from it. THIS IS THE GREATEST DIGITAL PROJECT OF HUMANITY WHERE PEOPLE ARE PARTICIPATING WITHOUT DISTINCTION OF RACE, NATION, LANGUAGE OR RELIGION.

So brother, first absorb knowledge about this addiction. Try to know more. Try to build your will power. Learn to keep your phone away. Delete all social media accounts. Make your life so difficult that you feel like crying all day. It is then that you will harness the power of freedom and evolve from a defender to an attacker against the ■■■■ empire.




Just because nothing is working for you , is it necessary that you leave this community.

I believe this community as a blessing. Even if you’re no fap journey is not working properly , you can use this platform for self improvement.

Leaving this community because of constant failure is like deciding to starve because the food is not tasty. The food may or may not be tasty but at the end of the day you must eat food to live right.

You can do whatever you like. But I would suggest to give a second thought on this. Even I have also deleted my earlier account and that doesn’t helped.

If you really feel embarrassed or destroyed, take a break and come back. After all we all are virtual families with doors always open.


I think people should let him be.
He will go and self reflect and then he can come back again stronger.
I’m saying this because I kinda did the same.


@Nerbo @The_Rising_One
I agree with your point but I feel like taking an long break and deleting my account.

Yes bro, I will come back stronger but I don’t know when. I am figuring it out.


Take a break. But don’t delete the account is my opinion.

Pewer varatte :fire:


Power verathe :joy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
But it’s an decided fact bro. Even I feel sad while deleting account but there is no other way.


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