My experience and tips

I think it is my obligation, responsibility to share this information with you. I used to be very active in this forum and had a lot of priceless conversations here. Today I spent several hours checking the old threads, diaries.

I’m grateful for everyone of you, I’m very grateful for this nice old days, but I’m also grateful that I have an opportunity to share my experience with you and to show where to focus.

This practice haven’t made me ultraman, who has great body, receives everyone’s attention and makes lots of money. But it’s changed my view on world and showed that everything really valuable takes time to achieve. It’s shameful to see that many people live in the mindset “everybody owes me something” or “in one day great man/woman will appear in my life and will make me happy”. I don’t want to critiсize anyone, but this kind of world view is really dangerous… This kind of people tend to think that he is a unique person and then every good thing will appear in his life and… just remember your past memories about future: about this successful, charismatic man, who lives very great life. I asked lots of people about how the great life looks like for them and 95% of them said exactly the same things: great expensive house, own business, loyal friends, beautiful/handsome wife/husband, a lot of loyal childs, respected person in society.
But imagine that they suddenly will turn 30…40…50… how many of them will have this qualities?

Expect to get from life only what you put into it
How much you inputed to this life - that’s how much output you should expect

I want to make this post as valuable as possible, so I think that I need to write some practical advices, so you could implement them in your life:

  • I think that one of the reasons of relapse(i noticed it from many people) is the stagnation, stasis of the blood at the down parts of your body. Everyone deals with it with their own ways: cold showers, urge surfing, exercises, you call it.
    For me the best method is remembering about the death. Everyone will die, and this horrible feeling, which conquers our body leads us to make more conscious decisions.

  • About monk mode protocols and really strict routines: it doesn’t work this way.
    You could notice that there’s hundreds(if not thousands) diaries, which started with worlds like “I’m tired from this life, tomorrow i will start new life: 10 hours ULTRA-FOCUSED study time, 2 HOURS of meditations, 3 hours of gym exercises” and… suddenly he stops his diary)
    Why do we relapse? Because it is easy and pleasurable.
    Why do we fail strict routine? Because it is hard and less pleasurable
    What to do? When you want to start the new routine think about it in new way: “Could I do this routine until the END of my life?”
    If you study, study like it is the last time and do it as great as possible(honestly, i’m not really into academic studying, but it’s necessary for some jobs). And set the routine as easy and understandable as possible, so you could follow it even when you’ll be 50,60… And then increase it over time(believe me, you will increase it by yourself without even trying)
    If you want to exercise, do the same thing. Imagine like you’ll need to follow this routine until the end of your life.

I have some more tips, but this post is big already
I hope that I wrote something really beneficial. The thoughts here aren’t new, everything genius is simple, but that’s what makes them unique.

Wish you good luck! I believe that you will be able to overcome your past and reach your potential.


And yeah, you could participate in this challenge, which I made to motivate people with low streaks: NoFAP Mafia Challenge [ENTRIES OPEN]

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