My confession... please read

Hello everyone I’m clean for two days but I’m really worried because i have kept away or try to keep away from porn before but i only last for bout a week or two weeks before going back again… Something just snaps in my brain telling me to masturbate saying everything will be OK… I’ve been doing this for 3 years now(since 2017) the reason i joined this app is because i just realized I’ve been masturbating every day for the past 3 years… And it’s affecting me… When i don’t masturbate for a week i feel great like i feel happy to be alive but with masturbating i just feel gloomy… So now with God’s help i pray i get rid of this addiction one’s and for all by meeting with people that shares the same problem… So please support me and let’s support each other along this journey of finding happiness… Thanks


Download Incogquito apk from web, hide the app, lock that app download web browser from play store without incognito mode. Download digital detox and lock your games, chrome and social media. But dont lock your important things. It will ask money if you will quit. Lock it these things for 30 days and u will see a change


If you need any help tell me i will give you all the links and please download Microsoft launcher it has an option of locking hide apps and it is damn crazy. Give it to your colleague or partner and tell him to create a pin and lock all the hidden apps. And dont ask for pin. I am also using it and i am peaceful now.:blush:

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Well, this is not so effective. If he has cleared his subconscious mind. He will be free and will not have nightfall and now he knows what to do.

My streak after writing my goals was 2days.
And clearing my subconscious mind was 11 days.

Then it was destroyed by instagram

The mind we know is very big. The thinking is done in conscious mind but when we sleep we are in our subconscious state. And if you are thinking about porn in conscious mind. It is processed in subconscious part and we get wet dreams.

How to achieve this?

Just dont think about porn.

Whenever i get a horny thought i meditated.

Just simple.

Regular medidation
Eating fishes with high omega fatty acids
Orange juice

You are set.:+1:

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Hola! espero tengas un buen dia, un humilde consejo. Empieza por cosas pequeñas :slight_smile: todos sabemos que este problema de la pornografía y la masturbación tienen raíces profundas. La verdad yo no ordenaba mi cuarto, no me bañaba muy seguido, estaba descuidando muchas cosas, también debo confesar que mi higiene dental no era la mejor.

Cultivar nuevos hábitos es lo que siento que necesitamos y para eso debes trabajar con tu mente. DEBES TENER LA CONVICCION DE PORQUE HACES LAS COSAS. por ejemplo yo tenia la convicción de lavarme los dientes todos los días porque sabia que si tenia problemas con mis dientes tenia que ir al hospital y podría contagiarme del covid. Otro ejemplo: hacer la cama, una vez vi a una mujer anciana que decía que era necesario ordenar la cama, de cierta forma ella agradecía todo lo que tenia dando manutención a todo lo que tenia y no dejándolo en el olvido. Lo bueno de hacer tu cama es que tienes esos momentos para MEDITAR. :slight_smile: también doblar mis ropas se me ha hecho costumbre. Estos hábitos de limpieza impiden que estes sin nada que hacer y que tu mente este trabajando. Espero que te haya servido.
Para tener un habito tienes que tener convicción, saber que lo que estas haciendo es bueno para ti. :slight_smile: saludos amigo y gracias por compartir tu historia.


Thats what i am saying if you will not think about porn, you will not get wet dreams and if you will not think about porn from the core of your mind, you will stop relapsing automatically.

And wet dreams will stay with you, if you are not relapsing you will have a minimum amount of wet dream. Like 3 in a year.

Writing all your hopes in a paper will not help.
Changing your mind will help for sure.

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