My biggest fear is FRIDAY

Ive been doing this nofap for so long now n ive done many achievments i even did a year n a half at some point long bef ive kniwn this community. But through time, you start knowing your weaknesses and learning more about yourself throughout this journey. Some of us are lucky and some of us strugle. I am one of those who are strugling. I see as a good thing, because life in general is a strugle, and when you struggle, you become stronger. Anyhow, today is the night of friday, and for some reasons, I always get the urges onthis day. Wanted to write this so I could go through this day. Wish you all the best of luck.


I hope you can make it through the weekend. Those mean free time to most of us, and of course free time means a higher risk of relapsing.
Maybe you can learn to use this free time and use it according to your own schedule. With the help of some self-discipline (which can be trained and acquired!), you might use your free time just as you use the time that you spend working, learning, spending with other people etc.
You can do it! Let us hear an update on sunday night!

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I can relate. Weekends are sometimes more difficult, especially when you go out and drink alcohol or smoke weed. When you return home and sit in front of the pc your will is weak and prone to temptation. Even more so when you drink or smoke in front of the pc alone fromnthe beginning. Stay strong.

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Sounds like you got free time. Eliminate it.

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