Motivational Messages of Momentous Magnitude to Maintain Mettle and Merit

Motivational Messages of Momentous Magnitude to Maintain Mettle and Merit (title made by @debellator ) is a section where l will try to post daily content (depends on as life and all is a busy thing) about Supportive Music, Motivational Quotes and other things.

My main goal here is to try help others to think twice before them EVIL URGES take over.


First Entry: Thank You God

This music speaks truth and power about our Lord and Saviour

Feel free to listen to this music. I know with music we can get caught up in the beat but try to focus on the lyrics

Supportive Worship Music


It is good that you’re deciding to do something that actually motivates us and keep us distracted.

But on the other hand we already had a same thread available here. Why not try posting there.

I am new to this app and still learning new things. I mean l could do that but l wanted an excuses to give it a shot on my own by creating my own topic.
Anyways l have posted stuff to others as well but either way my main focus here is to support anyone in need. Thanks, hope you understand and stay AWESOME


Yes Brother. I appreciate your effort. If you’re new, then go for it. If that makes you feel good, then definitely go for it. I pray we all come out from this addiction together and soon.


Motivational Messages of Momentous Magnitude to Maintain Mettle and Merit :wink:


lol you sold me and it’s an even better title so l will change the topic name


Second Entry: Save a Life.

Helping another ones journey will in fact help both of you in the long run. Life is designed to be done together as we are stronger together than we are alone.
So go “save a life from drowning.”

“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.”
– Booker T. Washington

Save a life


Entry 3 - Let’s Fight this TOGETHER

Fight Song


Entry 4 - A Blessing to all

Just listen to this song and focus on how powerful God’s word is. The Lord Bless you all. AMEN

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Great and inspirational song. Thanks :raised_hands:t4:


One of my favourite songs and takes the blessings of Bible scripture into music

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Entry 5 - Don’t give up

“When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.” - couldn’t find the author but yeah.

Josh Groban is a great singer

Don’t give up

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