:x: (11 pm - 6 am)
Sorry guys I put myself down today.
But my axe is ready to destroy the deamons tomorrow!


Day 5

-Woke up 6:55 AM (Wake up between 6 to 7 AM✅)
-going to sleep 10:50 PM(Sleeping between 10 tp 11 PM✅) Little late due to walking.

  • Slept after 20 min(after going to bed)

5 October
:white_check_mark: 11:00-5:00


:white_check_mark: Mon 5 October (4:50 am - 10 : 15 pm )

6 october 2020 wake up at 4.00 AM :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:

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We should have a rule about people who don’t update their “miracle morning” so we know who’s in the fight.

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Woke up at 5.00am today, but the only mistake i did was to keep lying in bed even after dismissing the alarm, that’s what led me to again fall asleep for another 1.5 hrs. I think, i need to be more conscious of this and make sure i dont repeat the same thing, from now on. I need to work on the following things to improve my consistency in waking up at 5.00am:

1. Sleep early everyday (Atleast before 11pm)
2. Set my digital detox schedule starting time as 11pm

3. Drink a glass of water immediately after dismissing the alarm, everyday

4. Have a look on next day’s To-do list and be mindful of tomorrow’s priorities.

5. Have dinner atleast before 8pm

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vz957i add me as a companion for serious no fappers only
Limited edition

Um interested in this early waking challenge

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Unable to Sleep early at night
Please help me brothers I am unable to sleep at night and my major(all) relapses were while I was lying on bed thinking and went to bathroom and relapsed. I went to bed at 10:45pm I was unable to sleep kept thinking(not nude) and lying in the bed. I was unable to sleep till 11:30pm then I grabbed my phone thinking that I will sleep while watching phone watched youtube about nofap and my exam related videos and then I saw the time it was 1:30am. Still I was unable to sleep I kept my phone aside and try to sleep. Than I started to think about porn but I controlled but in my mind I was thinking about it (watching porn inside my mind) till 2:30am and started the process thinking after masturbation sleep is definitely coming and end up relapsing at 4:15am. What I was trying to achieve was go to bed early to wake up early but now everytime this happens to me Whenever i go to bed early thinking to wake up early I have relapsed. Please guys help me so that I can sleep early and today I waked up at 12:15pm. My whole thing october challenge ruined. Please brothers help me !

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The simple and effective solution is put your phone in other room and then sleep. And try not to use phone after 10 pm. I am also trying and somewhat I am getting success in it.

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Bro this actually has the negative effect. Phones givevout blue light which doesn’t let you sleep.

Just go to bed when you are fully exhausted, and no matter what, do not use any devices atleast 2 hours before the bedtime you have decided.
As soon as you wake up, go out. Just go out of the house and stand. It doesn’t matter when, just go out and get the sun. This is how I reset my rhythm naturally

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:white_check_mark: Oct 6 (10 pm - 4 am) :muscle::muscle::muscle:

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Day 6

-Woke up 6:45 AM (Wake up between 6 to 7 AM✅)
-going to sleep 10:50 PM(Sleeping between 10 tp 11 PM✅)

Hey i am a newbie here, please count me in for 5 am club.
I don’t know how to join but i hope that i am in see you in the morning

Sleeping at 11:40 pm

:x: Tuesday 6 october (7:05 am - 10 :10 pm )

For me, as a medical student, I really can’t have a definitive sleep-wake pattern because of my study pattern s, but I could try this challenge​:muscle::muscle:

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Add yourself in the 2nd post and keep updating it

I have had experiences with insomnia back in the day and it’s hard, so I understand how you feel. There are just three things I did, which helped me go to sleep 9pm and wake up 4.30 regularly, with full of energy.

First : clean your room. It has to be spotless.
Second: Your diet has to be on point. No sugar and,… well you know what good and what’s not good for you.

Third, which made the biggest impact on me: I listened to Michael Sealey’s videos on youtube. His videos are designed to calm you down and put you to sleep a lot faster.

I hope this helped:)

stay sharp.


Also, @neetwarrior and @SAMURAI, you two are crushing this!!! Keep going brothers!