Message from a fellow prisoner

You know, brothers and sisters. I relapsed after a long streak, but the thing is that I’m ready to make it the last relapse in my life, and if I relapsed again I would stand up stronger than before. The thing is you might fall once, twice, three times, but remember to stand up after every single fall. Make your nofap streaks longer each and everytime until nofap becomes a part of your life, and that’s what I will do. I have a message to all of this trash industry: SURRENDER TO MY WILL


How do you make it so long? And how do you gain the confidence that you have?

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I don’t know exactly how I got the confidence I have, but you can get confident. Remind yourself about your superiority over this industry that drains energy and sometimes even money from people. You, as a normal human must not get down to the level of this trash industry, and if you did, get up as soon as possible. Strengthen your will and make your goal about becoming clean

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Clickbait LOL…“body is too short error- Who care man”

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Hey fellow, see my reply above. Hopefully you’ll get an answer

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