Mentorship University (Mentors Admissions open)

Ans 1
The Author has written the book to make every ■■■■ addict realize that kicking off this addiction is quite easy. The author also tries to tell the reason behind Why do people find it difficult to quit?
The Author Focuses on the brainwashing aspect of ■■■■, which is, the main reason behind failure to quit.

Ans 2

  1. Not To Skip Chapters
  2. Read with an Open Mind
  3. Accept that you have the addiction and looking
    for a real solution

Ans 3
From this book we would learn about a different aspect of ■■■■ and how to end the addiction without using willpower. According to the author we would see ■■■■ as a disgusting, horrible thing rather than finding any kind of pleasure in it. We would be free from slavery

Ans 4
This book is different because it contains a different point of view about ■■■■ addiction. It tell and makes us realize that there is no pleasure in ■■■■, but it’s just a illusion. Also it ends the main reason because of which users find it difficult to quit ■■■■ (i.e The brainwashing).


I am very sorry :disappointed:
But I have a exam on coming Sunday and I have to prepare a lot for the exams. I last time I I got less marks in my batch this time I can’t get to low…so, I can’t afford to read it in this situation.

After getting exam over I will firstly read easypeasy…I promised🤞


I only played the game for an hour… It was around 3-30 to 4 o clock after school… I wasn’t mad at the game because of what was in the game I was just excited to play it but the game was bugged and I have to wait a while before I can play it without bugs I don’t care to explain why… I almost always relapse under stress… I don’t think I can think of a time I haven’t… I watched soft porn…

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Answer the following questions:

Q1. Why the Author has written the book? (50 words)

Q2. 3 important points to keep in mind before reading the book further

Q3. What would we gain by reading this book? (40 words)

Q4. Why author claims this book is different? (30 Words)

Ans 1) This was an rewrite of a rewrite. At least the one I listened to. This book was an adaptation of Alan Carr’s(I didn’t spell the name right I’m pretty sure lol) easypeasy way to quit smoking. Alan Carr admits he’s not a writer but he wanted to keep this info down somewhere other than in his head… Either he or the hackauthor said that. The one I listened to was rewritten by someone who is a writer to make it much easier to read and more understandable

Ans 2)
• Porn is not pleasurable
• I NEED to finish the book
• Don’t try and scare myself into quitting porn

Ans 3) To be able to quit porn without willpower. To put it simply, to find quitting enjoyable and fun. To never go back! To realize that we should have never done it in the first place. To understand how porn works

Ans 4) Because it actually works! And we will never desire to go back! We will completely wonder why we did it in the first place. It’s going to explain to the fullest how porn works and the effects it has on your brain. To basically change my brain on porn.

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Bro @medicomonk check your dm as possible


I relapsed again… I want to just give up… I can’t beat a day any more…

@Finding_Myself you gotta stay strong brother. If possible stay away from digital devices for some days.

  1. Seems like an interesting concept and a good way to be accountable
  2. I just want to be free again and I am ready to achieve it.
    3 and 4. I have GATE exam in February 2022 my main goal is to Clear that exam with top rank and join some Public Sector Unit for job.
    Apart from this in long term I want a healthy body and mind with happiness and clarity of thought.
  3. I want to see myself achieving all my goals and never return to the hell hole of addiction again

I wish I could be a mentor but I am not in the position for that at the moment, I need to be consistent and I still have a lot to learn hence joining as a mentee for now, promote me to assistant mentor after 25 days @medicomonk

I would like to join 1. Philosophy class and 2. Meditation & Spirituality class.
Though I like sports the most but I’ve to study hence can’t afford sports class at the moment. (I would still be working out regularly).

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When you are again hitting 17 days :hugs:

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Here is my assignment @GOVIND-19

Do give me your reviews on this. I made a glass of water with a flower inside it.


This time for sure :100::100:

i need teacher for this

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@Finding_Myself that’s good, but we’ll have to work on your perspective. Line work is great👍

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@erenyaeger exceptional work on the flower head​:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

The lines are all good which makes this a great rough sketch. You can build on this to do your shading work. But the outlines can be sharper though


Thanks @GOVIND-19
I’ll keep that in mind!

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I can do it but I am not on a Mentor status right now. May be we can give eac other assignments

Don’t give up. I also relapsed this weekend. This group is not about relapsed or measuring how longer one can go without a streak.

It’s about something else. This group is about Re-washing our brain and finding pleasures better than we get from the deadly stuff we see.

It won’t happen in one day. Re-washing takes time.


:arrow_right:Assignment 2 - Easypeasy book :page_facing_up::page_facing_up:

Deadline- Thursday 23 hrs

Q: Write 10 summary points from this chapter.


Welcome @piyushchandak @The_integrous_one to MU as Mentees.

I urge you all to spread the word, bring more people who are willing to Mentor. People are afraid of taking responsibility but you can’t run from it. Better practice it here in MU.

Good day to you all.


I am also a mentor :hugs: