@MegatronX aka GigaChad
Sharing code: 9ibze8
Male, 25 years old.
Current streak: Day 0
I am starting this journal to document the changes that’ll be occuring in me as I progress through my No-Fap journey. PMO has destroyed me in many ways but still AlHamduliALLAH I’m doing better than a lot of people.
Forthermore, if some people want to join me on this journey, I welcome you with all my heart. Also, if you post something on my Journal, it’ll be an encouragement to me and it’ll help me keep going forward. JazakALLAH brothers.
Inshallah we will defeat this addiction bro
My sc- dwtolz
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Day 1 completed
I was planning a relapse all day long but somehow kept delaying it. Until we went to a family gathering where i spent the rest of my day with my cousins and went to mosque for prayers with my brothers. Right after prayer i sat down and listened to a Hadith that a guy was teaching at mosque. It really healed me up and motivated me to leave all sins behind.
So i came home and deleted my amazon prime video and Instagram. I am motivated for a fresh start. I know the battle will get hard, but i think I’ll enjoy it, knowing that all the pain is actually healing me.
Need prayers.
Day 2 completed
Not so hard, it was an easy day since i began with a religious activity and then i went to job. Kept my gaze low. Minimalized my interaction with females. Prayed my prayers in mosque.
AlHamduliALLAH, still healing.
The best thing you did
God bless you. Keep it up
Thanks @Brahmchary. I just hope i stick to it this time.
Day 3 & 4 completed
AlHamduliALLAH very easy days. No urges. Just a few times when i went to bed, i started day dreaming about my fantasies for a few seconds. But i put it off when it was the easiest to stop. Never let an urge grow. Nip it in the bud at very first step. I hope i stick to it.
Still healing AlHamduliALLAH. Need prayers.
A relapse full of regret
After almost completing day 5 I relapsed. It has felt good to almost make it to 5 days mark after so long. I am more motivated now. Next goal will be 7 days atleast InshaALLAH.
Yesterday was a day with some urges and it got really strange when i started feeling aroused when i was looking at a video about a marine creature. I know it’s strange, even for me.
I battled with urges almost all day long, but what i feel totally disgusted about is that when i relapsed at night it was bcz i couldn’t sleep. I was having almost no urge. I laid in my bed for quite long time and couldn’t catch sleep. So out of anger and frustration i relapsed hoping that i would be able to sleep that way. But guess what, i still couldn’t sleep. At that moment i felt tons of regret about what i had done. Messed up all my effort and for nothing.
But, I’m back on track now. I’ll go for a 7 day streak minimum this time and InshaALLAH I’ll achieve it too. Need prayers.
A request if you really want to continue nofap.
Please stop watching content on YouTube/ Instagram etc.
Your mind will be cleaned and urges will become weaker.
Try this
Back on track. 9 days completed all thanks to ALLAH. Last relapse was on 31st of December but it wasn’t due to being last day of the year. It was just a random last relapse.
Anyways just here to make entry that i am getting back on track.
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