Meditation Challenge πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ

This is an open meditation challenge between me and @The_Rising_One for the next 21 days for minimum 10 minutes each
Anyone can join if you wish to join.
Are you ready??
Lets see who :trophy: :trophy:

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Let’s go. I’m laging on meditation from 7 days hope this challenge will give me a path :crossed_fingers::pray:

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Yeah let’s go brother :muscle: :raised_hands: :saluting_face:
We will do it :muscle:


Yes I am ready :fire:

Day 1 Meditation 10 minutes done :white_check_mark:

Consider me in… :triumph:

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Okay bhai. I’m also in

Day 1/21 done let’s keep going forward!!! :fire::facepunch:

1/21 days done :muscle::muscle::muscle::white_check_mark:

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I am joining too
will start from tomorrow which is today
fck I should sleep

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SEP 20: 35mins …:person_in_lotus_position:t2:…:white_check_mark:


i want to join this challenge

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35 mins?
Thats great :+1: :ok_hand: :clap:
Hat’s off :pray:
Keep going

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Keep Going!
hats off to you!

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I don’t think i can meditate peacefully today.
I am sorry but feeling anxious
Can’t concentrate in meditation
Will carry forward that to tomorrow and come back stronger
Tried many ways and methods to control anxiety till now
But it doesn’t work :confused:

20 sept : 30 mins β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž

try talking to yourself
not in your mind
but turn on your cam record , and talk to yourself like a friend , resolve things and calm yourself down . This works , believe me .
Also , this is just an alternative to a friend , if you can get a person whom you can share everything with , do that . I started doing this since I felt alone and didnt want to burden my parents with my problems .
Dont be caught doing this though :skull:, do this when you are alone

if not , then just continue writing down your thoughts .


Day 2 Meditation 10 minutes :white_check_mark:

DAY 2: 18 MINS as of now…

DAY 3: 10mins completed

Day 3 successfull. Yesterday

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