Masturbation habit is difficult to break, this is why

Just one viewpoint of mine I’d like to lay out here. Is Masturbation good when he is stressed or bored? I say no because I don’t think i need to reach for dopamine reward like it’s some fast food, quick fix, one can’t competitively build life that way. Since dopamine is fired after orgasm, it does affect the brain that way. Masturbation is not an economic, social nor a romantic activity, it doesn’t build anything significant. So how he runs the show in his brain, whether to escape in fantasy for a quick shot of dopamine reward or long term dopamine reward by being a problem solver in life, that depends on what he chooses. But yes, whether you do it this way or that way to get rewarded, that certainly does impact the neuroplastic brain at the neuron pattern level.


And to add something more, 8 out of 10 guys are Masturbating to porn if you look at ground reality, making Masturbation as pornography’s 1st close cousin. It’s very closely linked and mixed up.


Neuron are highly affected when we are addicted and during the rehab/rewiring we encouter urges dreams flashbacks that make it hard, but if we can resist the lust we can make new neuron paths ways, ultimately the new man


I no what you mean, I tried to stop masturbating numerous times and I’d wake up having these dreams and it was so hard. I am turning a new leaf today and I hope it’s the last one.


You’re on the right track here, but I think that there’s more to it:

For one, whether we men like to admit it or not, men use sex to bond. I learned that after listening to Craig Perra’s podcast series: I hate to shill, but that’s where I got that idea from. I think when a man feels the urge to masturbate, he’s really voicing a desire to connect.

Think about it, sex not only triggers “reward chemicals” in the brain, but it also triggers emotions (even pornstars can’t avoid kissing each other in their scenes). The desire to connect is the reason why having multiple sex partners becomes shallow over time, and even the most adept player-type guy will eventually start looking around for that one special girl, despite his plethora of options.

In the end, I think if men develop genuine social connections, they might be able to curb the urge to masturbate. It sounds like an absurd theory, but think about it; sometimes the urges we feel are not the problem, but a symptom. a growling stomach is the symptom of hunger, so the urge to masturbate - the natural sex drive - is a drive to connect.

Men who are less attractive will feel this urge even stronger than other men, because their options are fewer. However, even social connections can be a great antidote, because the desire to connect is the true motive behind our sexuality if you think about it.


Very true. All in or all out. Can’t have it both ways with NoFab and No PMO


Absolutely right. I used to think I am weak so not able to come out but it is really tough but thanksfully slowly being strong to overcome.

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Sry but i disagree. Dopamin is not the pleasure of the kill but of the hunt. The real problem is not the orgasm in itself, but the constant edging without ever coming to completion. Dopamin makes us hunt, makes us search. It rewards the search not the final destination. Because of that you can ride on a unnatural high dopamin wave for hours on end while having countless ■■■■ tabs open. It would be healthier, not healthy mind you just healthier, if you would simply open a vid, jerk off to it and be done with it. But because of the dopamin you don’t want to finish, you need to search for more and more and more…and so on.
That’s the true danger. At least imho :wink:

Stay strong fellas!


Yes bro I agree with u

I’m in day 6, and the urges is damn terrible. I know I have to get through this to be a better me, but I don’t know how to get there.


Keep working bro :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

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I will show these sex maniacs pornography creators that they cant control me, they cant take my freedom away from me. i am not a slave to their bullshit.

Whose with me


Lucky you have a wife, i believe you can beat your addiction easily, once you feel urge, spend time with your love and release pressure, for some guys here, it’s hard to get girlfriend or wife due to many factors hard to mentioned here , but wish you long streak my friend


It’s not only dificult, i think Manstr habit is impossible to break :sob:

No, it is possible. Many are living examples. It is not possible for those who do not want to turn towards God.


U sure? How first step to moving away from PMO?

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First you must realise it is always a choice.


Yeah. The conclusion is everybody here losing their mind due to PMO. So they do it again and again.

I have reached high streaks on hard mode but sooner or later I am end up falling. My current streak is 47 days but I feel discouraged.

Guys, you can also win. It is very much possible.

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