Martial_Beast's Journey!⚡

Make ‘studies’ as your priority, and then never compromise on your priorities😉



Day 4

:white_check_mark: Wake up at 4 am
:white_check_mark: Affirmations
:white_check_mark: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Workout
:white_check_mark: Meditation
:white_check_mark: Cold Shower
:white_check_mark: Mindful Living
:white_check_mark: Intermittent Fasting
:white_check_mark: Mindful Eating
:white_check_mark: Healthy Food
:white_check_mark: Study (10 pomodoro sessions)
:white_check_mark: Chess/Sudoku/Brain Training Games
:white_check_mark: Plan for Next day
:white_check_mark: Read a book


Hey brother… you are on another level… I really like… i want these green ticks in my life… I scrolled up in your diary… but I found almost green ticks everywhere…

Even after you relapsed…you continued your previous thing…

I am stuck in the initial zone… I mean, I am motivated for NoFap but… when urges hit me…then nothing comes in my mind… I cannot think of all this rewire app…my reasons etc…


Do you have any social media apps installed on your phone…first uninstall them


Because my 90% of relapses are occured while surfing instagram…it been 3 months since I left instagram …you can see the magic


When you take the charge of your life in your hands and decide to inspire others through your journey, you will automatically become more disciplined!
You may fall several times during this journey, but you’ll not be giving up because you know that now your success is not limited to you only, but will inspire countless people.

Also the amazing support that I get from my companions is what motivates me to give my best everyday!

You should be glad that you found this awesome community, and now it all depends on u whether you waste this golden opportunity or utilize it to its full potential. All the best :slight_smile::+1:


Day 5

:white_check_mark: Meditation (before Sleep)
:x: Sleep by 10 pm
:white_check_mark: Wake up at 4 am
:white_check_mark: Affirmations
:white_check_mark: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Yoga & Pranayama
:white_check_mark: Sudoku
:white_check_mark: Cold Shower
:x:Intermittent Fasting
:white_check_mark: Mindful Eating
:white_check_mark: Study (10 pomodoro sessions)
:white_check_mark: Chess / Brain Training Games
:white_check_mark: Plan for Next day
:white_check_mark: Read a book
:white_check_mark: Diary Check-in


Very happy to see that the beast is back. Congrats @Martial_Beast. All the best.


Brother… you are really an inspiration… kee going like this brother…


Very true!!!


Thanks bro! :smile:
I’m tired of starting again and again. It really sucks! I promise you that I will never go back to that lazy lifestyle again.

And I’m happy to see your progress. You are doing good. Keep going like this. Always remember, going back to day 0 is not an option anymore! Just keep moving forward no matter what!


Thanks for your valuable comment bro. These words motivates me to always keep pushing myself. I am nothing without this community.

Glad to see you back on the forum. Let’s rise together again💪


Day 6

:white_check_mark: Meditation (before Sleep)
:x: Sleep by 10:30 pm
:white_check_mark: Wake up at 4 am
:white_check_mark: Affirmations
:white_check_mark: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Yoga & Pranayama
:white_check_mark: Sudoku
:white_check_mark: Cold Shower
:white_check_mark: Intermittent Fasting
:white_check_mark: Mindful Eating
:white_check_mark: Chess / Brain Training Games
:white_check_mark: Plan for Next day
:white_check_mark: Read a book
:white_check_mark: Diary Check-in

Today I completed 2 pomodoro study sessions in the morning. Then I realized that today is Sunday😅

I decided earlier to study only 6 days a week, and give myself a break on Sunday, to relax and recharge my battery.
So I watched a movie today, called some of my old friends, and enjoyed time with my family. Now I’m all set for the next week💪


Day 7

:white_check_mark: Meditation (before Sleep)
:x: Sleep by 10:30 pm
:white_check_mark: Wake up at 4 am
:white_check_mark: Affirmations
:white_check_mark: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Workout
:white_check_mark: Sudoku
:white_check_mark: Cold Shower
:x: Study
:white_check_mark: Intermittent Fasting
:x: Mindful Eating
:white_check_mark: Chess / Brain Training Games
:white_check_mark: Plan for Next day
:white_check_mark: Read a book (The Slight Edge)
:white_check_mark: Diary Check-in


Day 8

:white_check_mark: Meditation (before Sleep)
:x: Sleep by 10:30 pm
:white_check_mark: Wake up at 4 am
:white_check_mark: Affirmations
:white_check_mark: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Workout
:white_check_mark: Yoga & Pranayama
:white_check_mark: Sudoku
:white_check_mark: Cold Shower
:x: Study
:white_check_mark: Intermittent Fasting
:white_check_mark: Mindful Eating
:white_check_mark: Chess / Brain Training Games
:white_check_mark: Vajrasana (after Dinner)
:white_check_mark: Plan for Next day
:white_check_mark: Read a book (The Slight Edge)
:white_check_mark: Diary Check-in

I’m not following my own advice of prioritizing studies…:man_facepalming:t2:


Day 9

:white_check_mark: Meditation (before Sleep)
:x: Sleep by 10:30 pm
:x: Wake up at 4 am
:white_check_mark: Morning Meditation
:white_check_mark: Workout
:white_check_mark: Yoga & Pranayama
:white_check_mark: Affirmations
:white_check_mark: Sudoku
:white_check_mark: Cold Shower
:white_check_mark: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Study (did only 2 pomodoros today, but still better than 0)
:white_check_mark: Intermittent Fasting
:white_check_mark: Mindful Eating
:white_check_mark: Chess / Brain Training Games
:white_check_mark: Eye-Exercises
:white_check_mark: Vajrasana (after Dinner)
:white_check_mark: Plan for Next day
:white_check_mark: Read a good book (The Slight Edge)
:white_check_mark: Diary Check-in

The right choices and wrong choices you make at the moment will have little or no noticeable impact on how your day goes for you. Nor tomorrow, nor the next day. No applause, no cheers, no screams, no life-or-death results played out on the big screen. But it is exactly those same undramatic, seemingly insignificant actions that, when compounded over time, will dramatically affect how your life turns out!


You are great. :fire::fire::fire: good bro keep going


@Martial_Beast brother you and @_TIGER are currently two of the best we have in this forum.

I want to Challenge you for a 90 days no PMO challenge.



Why not!!! :rage: i am ready. Show your beast mode!!


I’ll bounce back brother. I have that beast inside me. Nothing can stop me. I made excuses and fell down that doesn’t mean Iam weak.
We’ll start the real fight now!!! :rage:
Real battle. Let martial beast accept the challenge too. Then we’ll begin tomorrow onwards.
Do or die!!!